Like everyone in America, Dina Lohan has a theory about why Lindsay Lohan, the human female whose transformation from adorable frecklebean to bloated shriekmonster she oversaw, is "so screwed up." Dina's guess: It's because Lindsay saw her father beat up her mother. (Lindsay's father's guess: It's because Dina "is the devil.")

In a new interview with the New York Daily News, Dina attributes the blame for Lindsay Lohan's very public misadventures (multiple jail stints; punching a psychic; Liz and Dick) to the environment of domestic abuse in which she was raised.

"Lindsay saw her dad abuse me - that's why she's so screwed up…She saw a lot of crazy stuff. I want the world to know the root of her problems."

Dina's most graphic story of abuse allegedly took place on Valentine's Day 1990, when, she claims, her ex-husband Michael Lohan raped her while Lindsay and her younger brother Michael, Jr. were asleep.

According to Dina, she and the children were at her parents' house on February 14, when Michael Lohan showed up in a limo "out of jail and on another coke-fueled night," and forced Dina to have sex with him.

Michael insists that the sex was consensual. He says that Dina claimed it was rape after the fact, when she called him later that night and learned he was with a mistress.

The Daily News confirmed that medical records show that Dina went the ER to report a rape, and that doctors called police and a coalition for abused women in reference to her visit. Dina says she didn't file charges against Michael for the incident because he was already jail-bound (again) for insider trading.

This interview is not the first time the Lohans have addressed their abusive home life in public.

In 2005, Lindsay Lohan co-wrote and directed a video for her screamo-pop song "Confessions of a Broken Heart (Daughter to Father)," (pronounced "DODDER DA FATHAR") in which an actor portraying Michael attacks an actress portraying Dina, while Lindsay's real-life little sister Ali wears a tutu and cries in bed, holding a rosary.

They've got a lot of issues.

[NYDN // Image via Getty]