Fox News Accidentally Uses Photo of Same-Sex Couple to Illustrate Article About the Importance of Heterosexual Marriage

Atop yet another typical Fox News article espousing the merits of heteronormativity sits a decidedly atypical sight: A photo of the same-sex couple who made headlines last year for being the first same-sex couple to get married at the Empire State Building.

"Being equal in worth, or value, is not the same as being identical, interchangeable beings," writes Suzanne Venker, author of How to Choose a Husband and Make Peace with Marriage.
Of course, she's talking about her belief that women should stop trying to compete with men and just give in to the fact that they were put on earth to be a wife and mother and nothing more.
But looking at the photo of Stephanie Figarelle and Lela McArthur lovingly sharing their first kiss as a legally married couple, you can't help but smile.