During the evening rush hour on Thursday, an alligator crawled out of...somewhere, and crossed a street in the Upper Manhattan neighborhood of Inwood. Officers from the NYPD’s 34th Precinct captured the ‘gator and brought it to a shelter where it died Friday morning, the New York Times reports.

According to the Times, shelter workers named the alligator CockadoodleQ. The cause of death is unknown, but upon arriving at the shelter, CockadoodleQ, God rest its soul, was placed in an “aquarium-type setting” with a “supplemental heat element” with a shallow pool of water, so hopefully its passing was relatively painless.

“We have no knowledge of the conditions CockadoodleQ had lived in prior to his arrival that contributed to his death,” Manhattan Animal Care Center spokeswoman Alexandra Silver said in a statement.

“He was pretty feisty,” Deputy Inspector Chris Morello told the New York Daily News when the gator was apprehended. R.I.P. CockadoodleQ (???-2015): You were pretty feisty.

Image via NYPD. Contact the author of this post: brendan.oconnor@gawker.com.