Americans, It's Time to Eat Haggis

Americans, who are unforgiving pussies about the kinds of foods they'll eat, are set to be repulsed and disgusted by a new meal: The decades-long ban on imported haggis—a Scottish delicacy made from sheep's meat stuffed inside a sheep's stomach—might be getting lifted soon. Run for the hills.
Owen Paterson, the UK's Environment Secretary, is supposed to speak with "senior officials" of the Obama administration this week about allowing sheep meat imports from Scotland. The BBC reports:
The US visit comes as Scotch Beef is set to make a return to menus in America for the first time in almost 20 years.
It follows a move by US officials to reopen the American market to EU beef and other bovine products, following a ban put in place in the 1990s over concerns that BSE could infect the human food chain.
The US has for years prevented meat from being imported from the UK due to the rash of mad cow disease in the 90s. Haggis has been banned in the US since 1971, and apparently Scottish people have attempted to reverse the ban several times in the past forty years. As the BBC notes, the haggis market in the UK is worth some $26 million (£15 million).
There are over nine million Americans who claim Scottish ancestry, so let the haggis rain down upon us.
Additionally: While in the US, Paterson is also expected to "promote British food and drink," a noble task in which we wish him the best of luck.