America’s oldest living veteran—who, if I may speak freely, I truly love—just threw himself a “Mighty Fine at 109” party replete with burgers, cake and whiskey. I can only assume my invitation was lost in the mail and look forward to attending next year’s event.

Richard Overton, who actually turns 109 next week and smokes 12 cigars a day, has spent decades living a life you and I can only dream about. Via the Wall Street Journal:

In 2013, former Texas Gov. Rick Perry came to his house with a gift—a bottle of whiskey, according to Earlene Love, a 91-year-old friend who lives with Mr. Overton and helps take care of him.

“He talked to us for half an hour,” said Ms. Love, who also accompanied Mr. Overton to the White House in 2013.

As time went by, Mr. Overton said, he realized that his age had become a big deal: “I can sit on my porch sometimes and 10 people will come by and want to stop and take my picture.”

Ms. Elliot, his neighbor, said that on most days Mr. Overton can be found hanging out on his porch or working in his yard, sweeping his driveway and picking up fallen branches.

Once, she recalled, she asked him the secret to his longevity and he pointed to a plastic cup with whiskey, saying, “I’m drinking it.”

“I like the attention,” he tells the Journal. “I never thought I would be that important.”

Among those admirers is President Obama, who reportedly sent him a birthday card. Good. This man is a national treasure.

[image via KVUE]

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