Arizona Senator's Son Tweets Racist, Homophobic, Anti-Semitic Garbage

That guy calling himself "N1ggerkiller" while playing the iPhone game "Fun Run" isn't just any racist teenage prick—it's the racist teenage prick son of Arizona Senator Jeff Flake!
And that's not all. Tanner Flake, the "high-school aged" son of Arizona's junior senator, has not been using social media best practices for a while now, as Buzzfeed's John Stanton discovered. Not only does the boy—seen here holding an enormous weapon of some kind—go by "N1ggerkiller" on "Fun Run," he calls people "Jews" and "faggots" on Twitter:

Tanner's since taken his Twitter account private, and his dad—a goofy-looking survivalist Mormon—apologized in a statement to Buzzfeed:
“I’m very disappointed in my teenage son’s words, and I sincerely apologize for the insensitivity. This language is unacceptable, anywhere. Needless to say, I’ve already spoken with him about this, he has apologized, and I apologize as well.”
Here are the screenshots of "Fun Run":

"To the faggot who stole my dirt bike from the church parking lot, I will find you, and I will beat the crap out of you" has the distinction of being the most Arizona sentence ever written.