[There was a video here]

The always hermetic Bilderberg Group is currently holding its annual meeting in England, thus making it the perfect time for the BBC to host America's foremost raving lunatic, Alex Jones, purveyor of foil-hat-making message board Infowars.com.

Fresh from suggesting that this year's Boston Marathon bombings were a "false flag operation," Jones went onto the BBC program Sunday Politics to assert that the Bilderberg Group helped launch the euro currency after taking its cues from a Nazi plan for global domination.

Makes sense.

The show ended with host Andrew Neil calling Jones an "idiot" and telling him, "You are the worst person I've ever interviewed," and all as Jones howls, "No, you guys are crazy! Infowars dot com! Liberty is rising! Liberty is rising!"

Enjoy watching a sad man's televised delusional ranting as he creeps ever closer to the brink.