Conservative British minister Penny Mordaunt gave a speech in Parliament last year that was ostensibly about the welfare of chickens, but was actually written with the express purpose of saying "cock" as many times as possible.

Mordaunt, an MP and communities minister from Portsmouth North, is also a Navy reservist. She revealed this week that she gave the March 26, 2013 cock speech in the House of Commons after losing a bet with some Marine training officers.

Apparently, the officers thought they could get Mordaunt to curse during the toughest part of a training exercise. She managed not to, but was later fined for a misdemeanor at dinner.

"The fine was to say a particular word, an abbreviation of cockerel, several times during a speech on the floor of the Commons, and mention all the names of the officers present," she said this week.

She met her obligation with what British papers are calling "the naughty cock speech," and even threw in "lay" and "laid" several times for good measure.

"She has been criticised by Labour MPs for making a mockery of the Parliamentary system," the Telegraph reports.

They're obliged by politics to say that, though. Everyone appreciates a good cock speech.

[h/t Uproxx]