Louisville cheerleader Dani Cogswell was found dead in her campus apartment Monday morning, just hours after posting a #SelfieSunday to Instagram. Police are investigating but suspect no foul play. She was 22.

Since rumors of her death began surfacing Monday morning, cheerleaders across the country have been flooding the #RIPDani hashtag, recalling her greatest moments as an all-star cheerleader and at the University of Louisville. Multiple Twitter users wrote that Cogswell is now "flying high" among the angels. (She was a flyer.)

But at least one University of Kentucky fan couldn't resist mentioning the Louisville-UK rivalry along with her rest-in-peace message.

@AlexRahrah98 appears to have deleted her Twitter account after other cheerleaders chastised her.

The circumstances of Cogswell's death remain unknown. Her cheer coach, Todd Sharp, said in a statement, "The University of Louisville spirit program is devastated to lose one of our beautiful and talented team member. Dani had a contagious smile and a spirit that would ignite the room. She will be greatly missed."

[Images via Twitter, Instagram]