
Oakland Raiderettes Settle Wage Theft Lawsuit for $1.25 Million

Allie Jones · 09/05/14 11:03AM

The Oakland Raiderettes will now be treated like normal human workers thanks to the wage theft lawsuit two former cheerleaders brought against the Raiders earlier this year. The Raiders are going to cough up $1.25 million in back pay per a settlement agreement reached yesterday, and from here on out, the Raiderettes will be paid above minimum wage.

App Allows the Men of Atlanta to Creep on Their Favorite Cheerleaders

Allie Jones · 08/27/14 11:13AM

If you are an Atlanta Falcons season-ticket holder and enjoy the company of professional cheerleaders, congratulations: you can now order a cheerleader to your stadium seat via app. To uh, take a picture. It's a plot only creepy NFL marketers and anti-social app developers could devise.

North Korea Is Sending Cheerleaders to South Korea

Allie Jones · 07/07/14 10:45AM

In a bid to distract from its nuclear weapons program, North Korea announced it will send cheerleaders to South Korea. The DPRK has done this only a handful of times since the Korean War, always in attempts to ease tensions between the two Koreas. The cheerleaders will travel with athletes to the Asian Games in Incheon this September.

The Brooklyn Nets' Cheerleader Uniforms: Confronting the Nightmare

Caity Weaver · 09/27/12 05:20PM

The new Brooklyn Nets' Brooklynettes cheerleader uniforms were revealed this week, and they are bad. They are bad in ways you would expect, like a cropped warm up jacket. They are bad in surprising new ways, like "painted sequin leggings." Because they are complicated, multi-piece ensembles, they are bad in many ways. Because they mostly consist of pieces of fabric bearing the word BROOKLYN in capital letters, they are bad in ways that seem Brooklyn-specific, but are, in fact, universal.

Michele Bachmann 'Didn't Give 100 Percent to Cheerleading'

Maureen O'Connor · 07/22/11 01:45PM

In a hard-hitting exposé of Michele Bachmann's high school cheer squad, the always politically relevant National Enquirer reveals that, if America were a cheerocracy, she would never be president:

Jenks Defends Cheerleader From Fratholes

Shannon Mechutan · 11/04/10 09:30AM

As any frat cop knows, bros accelerate from attracted to attacking in seconds. Here Andrew Jenks fights for Tennessee Titans cheerleader Jessi when creeps 1) see a girl 2) realize they can't have her and 3) begin assaulting en masse.

Houston Rockets Mascot Bowls Using Cheerleader Slingshot

Chris Wyman · 10/08/10 01:39PM

Yes, I realize that headline reads like a randomly-generated spam email, but hear me out! SportsNation knows that during the NBA preseason, the halftime entertainment is usually more memorable than the scrimmages themselves.