Put down that glass of milk right now! Don't be alarmed—try this. It's called yogurt. I think u gonna like it (and so will your health as well).

Many of you have been subjected to propaganda from Big Dairy urging you, the consumer, to drink glass after glass of milk, to give yourself "strong bones," as if that was one of your concerns, ever. You're still young, for christ's sake! Fast-forward to now. Guess what, milky? There's a new study from science I think you should know about. The LA Times reports that researchers in Sweden found that not only does drinking milk "did not appear to reduce the risk" of bone fractures, but also that among women, "avid milk-drinkers were 93% more likely than their counterparts to die during the course of the study[!!!]"

That sure ain't what you're looking for in your morning coffee!!!

Lucky for you the researchers also found that eating yogurt or inferior curdled milk-based products such as cottage cheese did give the "positive benefits associated with milk," without any of the excruciating bone fractures and premature death. So hey, you—sounds like you're in the market for some yogurt. Why not eat a kind that tastes good?

Fage yogurt is good I like it myself.


[Photo: Flickr]