Enrique Iglesias, I Feel Like You're Pretty Rich—Why Not Hire a Driver?

According to reports, singer-smolderer Enrique Iglesias just paid the state of Florida a hefty bail-amos (to get out of jail) (after he allegedly drove around on a suspended license) (then lied to the cops about who was driving.)
Somehow the news that Iglesias was arrested last month only just now broke, and honestly, I can’t understand what is wrong with this man. Here is a guy with a suspended license who not only has enough money to hire a driver—he also had a fully licensed passenger, willing to take the fall, sitting right next to him.
It’s like having sex on top of an unwrapped condom. What the hell is wrong with you, dude?
According to Florida Highway Patrol officials, Iglesias, 40, was driving a white Cadillac Escalade north on Interstate 95 in the closed express lanes on May 6. As the trooper pulled the Escalade over, Iglesias allegedly jumped from the driver’s seat into the back seat, and the passenger slid into the driver’s seat, the police report said.
“It was Mr. Iglesias that was the initial driver, yes”, said Lt. Julio Pajon, who witnessed the star trading places, reported NBC 6 South Florida.
Both Iglesias and his passenger, Abel Tabuyo, were handcuffed and taken into custody. Tabuyo had said to officers that he didn’t know why he switched seats with Iglesias. Iglesias invoked his right to remain silent, the report said.
You know who else tried and failed to get away with this? Lindsay Lohan. Lance Armstrong. Look at the company you’re in, man. My god.
Iglesias is due back in court July 9. I hope he takes a good, long look at what he’s become first.