Mixed martial arts fighter Jon "War Machine" Koppenhaver is wanted by Las Vegas police after his ex-girlfriend, porn star Christy Mack, accused him of beating her and posted photos of her severe injuries. Dog the Bounty Hunter, a television personality seemingly unrelated to the case, has threatened to hunt Koppenhaver down.

War Machine hasn't said anything in public since he disappeared this weekend, but he did address the Dog situation in this rather uncanny tweet from four years ago, claiming he could beat the bounty hunter's ass.

Dog, whose real name is Duane Chapman, told MMA Mania he doesn't intend to let that happen:

We won't kill him, but at the same time, you won't see Dog Chapman versus the "War Machine" because I'm not stupid — he'd probably break my nose. But, you may see him eat Dog Chapman's taser.

Chapman also claims his investigation is already nearing completion, and he's closing in on Koppenhaver:

"Very soon you are going to see pleas for him to come in because we are going to catch him — we are very close to him right now. We just have to handle it right because we don't want anyone killed."

But what's Dog's stake in all this? He says some of his friends in the MMA world reached out for his help, and, of course, the cameras for his show are constantly rolling. Whether he gets his man or not, he assumes you'll eventually see this chase on TV.

Meanwhile, Mack's fans have started a fundraiser for her medical expenses, and a dentist has offered to fix her broken teeth.

[H/T Uproxx via BroBible, Photo: Instagram]