Back when prissy lil' peanut Ariana Grande's life coach quit because Ariana was such a diva—allegedly—Ariana called Miley Cyrus for advice. According to Ariana, Miley told her, "It will blow over and tomorrow they'll be talking about something else." Huh, well.

Ariana told The Mirror that when those pesky diva rumors started percolating, "I was upset and I contacted Miley. I said, 'Miley, I'm so sad—what do I do? This isn't true. My heart is broken, I feel so bad.'" According to Ariana, Miley "was like":

Girl, don't even look at it. Just be happy that you're blessed. You have family and friends love you, you have fans that love you who know what's true and what's not. ... It will blow over and tomorrow they'll be talking about something else.

Aw. Ariana feels a certain kinship with Ol' Foam Finger: "She lives for love and that's something I do too. She has a beautiful spirit and she made me feel so much better."

Additionally, getting branded as a diva who hopes all her fans "fucking die" made Ariana realize that the music industry is tough for women:

If you see a woman working hard who is successful—who doesn't stop until she reaches her goal, who is strong and has wishes and dreams she wants to fulfill, and works hard every day—you label them a diva. But if you see a man doing that, you're like, "He's incredible, he's an amazing businessman."

Which, dang, that's true. Hopefully this is America's favorite suspected serial killer's feminist awakening.

[Photos via Getty]