A two-foot-wide, six-foot-deep sinkhole appeared on the surface of Dublin's Dame Street this week, stopping traffic on the busy thoroughfare. The reason, according to one historian, may have to do with 200-year-old politicians who plunged incredible depths in a quest to get their antique rocks off.

Dublin historian Gerry Coolley told the Herald that the hole may have been caused by a "long-rumored" 19th-century tunnel that was supposedly used by legislators who wanted to travel from the then-site of Irish Parliament to Dublin's red light district without being seen:

"The King of England closed down the House of Commons and House of Lords in Ireland during the time when politicians were spending too much time in the brothels," Mr Cooley said.

"They built the tunnels from what is now the Bank of Ireland on College Green...It could be the remnants of the residence of Chichester, or the tunnels which politicians would use to sneak out to the pubs or gentleman's clubs"

According to the Herald, officials confirmed that an "old cellar" was found inside the sinkhole. Unfortunately, the hole will be filled in with concrete.

Here's Coolley giving a history lesson on-location.

[h/t Curbed, Dame Street image via walhalla/Flickr]