Image: AP

Robert Bentley, the most powerful breast man in Alabama, once had a state law enforcement helicopter deliver his wallet to him at his beach house after he accidentally left it at home, about 250 miles away. And why was the governor leaving the house in such a hurry in the first place? His wife, whom he was probably cheating on, was mad at him. The old ball and chain, am I right boys!!

The Alabama politics blog Yellowhammer broke the story, which was later corroborated by In late 2014, a helicopter flew from Bentley’s home in Tuscaloosa to bring him his wallet in Fort Morgan, located on Alabama’s gulf coast. According to Yellowhammer’s sources, Bentley and his then-wife Dianne had argued over his reluctance to end his relationship with his aide Rebekah Caldwell Mason, who has since resigned. (Last month, audio leaked of Bentley telling Mason how much he enjoyed kissing her and touching her breasts, though both he and Caldwell have denied having a physical relationship.)

Bentley himself confirmed the story, saying that although the helicopter delivery “looks bad,” it was not illegal. He added that he needed his wallet for security reasons, and because “I had to buy something to eat.”

State legislators recently began moving to impeach Bentley, and an ethics commission is investigating the affair allegations to determine whether Bentley committed any breaches—which you have to assume would include things like, say, using taxpayer-funded airmail to get his wallet after fleeing from his wife.

h/t Talking Points Memo