The photo above shows a pair of underwear wedged between a man's asscheeks. But for one magical night, dozens of enthusiastic masturbators believed they were looking at a woman's alluring cleavage.

The prank went down on Reddit's /r/gonewild, a space for naked dudes and ladies to look and be looked at. The original poster was "poshpink330," a woman, but the glutes in the photo belonged to her husband.

That didn't stop fans from pleasuring themselves to the photo and sending personal messages begging poshpink for more. When she revealed her ruse in a follow-up post, she also shared 51(!) flirty notes from guys who contacted her based on a photo that looked kind of like breasts.

Some sent selfies, others dick pics. One satisfied customer even enclosed a shot of his shorts-covered boner with the butt photo on his screen in the background.

"Glad everyone loved my husband's a** crack. Whether you were frustrated and needed someone to "blow your load," or if you simply wanted to "kiss every inch of it goodnight," I'm glad that my husband's butt gave you the comfort you needed. All 51 of you who pm'd me," poshpink wrote.

Some of the men who fell for it are outraged that they wasted their precious loads, and have decried the brilliant prankster as a "bitch," but one man responded in a supremely chill fashion: "Hey, it was late, and those 'tits' looked amazing," he admitted from a throwaway account, "Well played."

[h/t Daily Dot, Photos: Reddit]