A "left wing liberal" campaigning for Virginia Rep. Eric Cantor's House seat has put a $100,000 bounty on nude photos of Texas Tech cheerleader and big-game hunter Kendall Jones.

Jones' photos of the animals she's killed in Africa made her the most-hated person on Facebook last week, and protests eventually led to the hunting images being removed from the site. Jones argues she's a conservationist, and claims she's developing a hunting reality show for the Sportsman Channel.

But Mike Dickinson, a seemingly bogus write-in candidate for Virginia's 7th District, is interested in more than Jones's photos of dead animals. He's after nude photos, sex tapes, and details about the 19-year-old cheerleader's sex life, and he's willing to pay six figures for them.

Dickinson even contacted the editor-in-chief of Texas Tech's campus newspaper, the Daily Toreador, to ask if he could run an ad offering to buy dirt on Jones. The editor agreed to respond to his inquiries, but she pointed out that any ads would have to meet the paper's standards.

Why does Dickinson care so much about Jones, and what does any of this have to do with his campaign? That part is entirely unclear, but it seems like he's awkwardly stapled an anti-hunting agenda to some kind of personal crusade against puritanism.

Asked if he plans to retract his offer and apologize to Jones, he responded, "When pigs fly," which is coincidentally also when Dickinson will get elected to Congress.

[H/T UPI, Photo: Facebook]