In his first audio statement released in seven months, the leader of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) threatened an attack on Israel and other nations in a statement on Saturday, according to CBS.

In the 24-minute statement, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, a self-proclaimed “caliphate,” said that the recent spate of U.S. and Russian airstrikes on the region have only fueled their anger. He also pinpointed “crusaders and Jews,” as the targets against whom he wants his followers to “rise up.”

“Jews, soon you shall hear from us in Palestine, which will become your grave,” Baghdadi reportedly said ... The Jews thought we forgot Palestine and that they had distracted us from it,” he added. “Not at all, Jews. We did not forget Palestine for a moment. With the help of Allah, we will not forget it.”

But CNN reports that Israeli officials are not taking the threat too seriously, noting that ISIS doesn’t have much sway in the country, and that it’s not even clear when the video was shot.

[Image via AP]

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