In the midst of last night's awesome televised Beyoncé concert—technically known as MTV's Video Music Awards—there was a pause to acknowledge recent events in Ferguson, Mo.

But just after Common asked the audience for a moment of silence for Michael Brown, teenage victim of a police killing, MTV cut to the Kardashians, who were apparently dicking around on their phones while everyone around them faced the stage.

Kim Kardashian and her younger sisters, Kylie and Kendall Jenner, haven't said what they were doing on their phones at that moment—some snarked on Twitter that Kim was googling "Ferguson." She was also spotted adjusting her cleavage during the Ferguson segment.

BuzzFeed points out that it's possible the shot of the sisters appearing to ignore what was happening onstage came from poorly chosen tape delayed footage, not a poorly chosen live shot. MTV hasn't addressed the issue.

[h/t Uproxx, Photo: MTV]