A New Jersey man is suing his former boss for allegedly yanking on one of his testicles during an off-site “team building” meeting, causing severe damage that led to three surgeries and an eventual amputation, the New York Post reports. The ball-busting boss was later fired, but the victim says coworkers made fun of him for being sans one nut.

Michael Peacock and his coworkers at data security and storage company Iron Mountain went on a bar crawl and drunken cruise back in the summer of 2012. His lawsuit alleges that their boss, Richard Langtry, started to get aggressive as their day-drinking turned to night-drinking.

Outside the bathroom, according to court papers, Langtry “grabbed [Peacock’s] left testicle, squeezed it hard and pulled it down as if to rip it from his groin.”

Rip it from his groin.

Rip it.


At 6’8”, Peacock was the big man in his office, physically speaking. In his suit, he suggests that his much smaller boss effected the traumatic ball-snatch in an effort to “bond with Peacock while simultaneously demonstrating his authority and dominance.”

That whole “bonding” thing didn’t go so well, and neither did the surgery afterward. Peacock lost the testicle after three operations, and he now alleges that he’s suffering chronic pain and sexual issues as a result. He says that although his boss was fired, he still suffered abuse from other coworkers “hazing” him with jokes about his missing testicle.

Peacock is also suing Iron Mountain for allegedly pushing him out of his job and cutting his pay after the incident, and the three venues that provided alcohol for letting Langtry get violently drunk.

[Photo via New York Post]