At a PTA-sponsored assembly yesterday afternoon, Richardson High School students were taught a very important, very timely lesson: If a girl wants to be dateable, she needs to know when to shut up.

That's the advice imparted to the kids of Richardson, Texas, by faith-based dating guru and motivational speaker Justin Lookadoo — co-author of Dateable: are you? are they? and The Dateable Rules.

On his website, R.U. (Guides to the Sexes), Lookadoo and his co-author Hayley DiMarco, offer tips to teens on how best to become "dateable" boys and girls.

"Dateable girls know how to shut up," the site actually says. "They don’t monopolize the conversation. They don’t tell everyone everything about themselves. They save some for later. They listen more than they gab."

Other things "dateable girls" are: "soft," "gentle" and "needy."

Meanwhile, "dateable boys" are "wild," "fearless" and "Godly":

Dateable guys know they aren’t as sensitive as girls, and that’s okay. They know they are stronger, more dangerous, and more adventurous, and that’s okay. Dateable guys are real men who aren’t afraid to be guys.

Would you believe it if I told you that some people found Lookadoo's teachings outdated and offensive?

"I am extremely troubled by the fact that Richardson High School would bring in an 'expert' speaker who holds the dangerous, misogynistic views that advance a rape culture such as those expressed on his website," Dr. Jaime Clark-Soles, an RHS parent, told the Dallas Observer.

She was joined by a large number of students, who took to Twitter to rechristen Lookadoo #lookadouche.

"Walking out," tweeted student Aisleen Menezes. "I refuse to listen to the enforcement of stereotypes and gender roles."

"I love that RISD has a no tolerance on bullying and they brought in a bully to motivate us," added student Meg Colburn.

"At this rate, our speaker on Friday will be Ritchie Incognito," half-joked another student.

According to WFAA, Lookadoo's assembly was followed by a volley of biting questions from attendees who "circled around the speaker."

"I've done about 4,000 programs. That's never happened," Lookadoo told the station.

The school's principal tried to calm things down with a voicemail to parents that seemed to completely miss the source of their outrage.

According to Principal Charles Bruner, the issue was with Lookadoo's "choice of non-religious terminology used to illustrate his topics," rather than, say, his lengthy "rant against women," as eyewitnesses described the talk.

RISD officials released a similar non-apology:

RHS and RISD approve of the broad messages shared with students related to self-empowerment and dating violence, but do not support some of the terminology used by the speaker to generalize student behaviors.

[screengrabs via Lookadoo, RUDateable]