A Lexington, Ky., Pizza Hut employee has reportedly been fired after a teenage customer snapped a photo of him with his hand down his pants. The photo got a lot of attention on Facebook and Reddit, and the teen girl’s mom has alleged that our erstwhile pizza boy was “playing with himself.”

“My daughter and her friend were in line waiting on our Pizza and the guy there kept his hand down his pants playing with himself the whole time,” Sandy Brentlinger wrote Sunday on Pizza Hut’s Facebook page.

“The girls actually took pictures while that sat there. They called to ask for a manager to let him know what occurred and spoke to a Zack, who informed them he was the manager and he’d speak with the other guy.”

The two girls believed “Zack” was actually the man they saw “playing with himself.” They did not eat the pizza, just in case he’d thrown in any extra toppings at no charge.

Brentlinger later updated her Facebook post, claiming the alleged masturbator had been let go:

Update: I have gotten in touch with Pizza Huts main headquarters, they are taking this serious. He was fired before they were even notified. Many of the employees saw this on Facebook and the manager had already let him go. I also contacted the health department and explained my fears of him just going to another food chain. I assure you I’m not just going to let it go. I’m not just upset about what happened to my girls but concerned for the community and how this could effect all who have eaten here while this man was employed there. I never expected this to be shared the way it has. I just got on Facebook to vent because I couldn’t reach anyone at the time.

An employee at the Pizza Hut location told Gawker by phone that a manager was recently fired, but couldn’t comment on the details of the story. A spokesperson for Pizza Hut said, via email, “I can confirm that the employee was fired by the local franchisee.”

In completely unrelated news, Pizza Hut recently introduced a crust covered in tiny hot dogs.

[h/t reddit]