Harry Wagner, managing director of the investment bank Allen & Company, doored a CitiBike cyclist on Sixth Avenue today, sending him off of his bike, then took off sprinting before the ambulance arrived, according to a Complex report.

A Complexstaffer who witnessed the crash said the cyclist was riding on Sixth between 53rd and 54th Streets when he was hit by the opening door of a parked Lincoln Town Car. The cyclist went over the handlebars, the report reads, and hit his head on the curb.

Wagner, or someone carrying his business cards, then emerged from the car, brought the cyclist to his feet, pulled out a business card, and started running:

Wagner then threw a business card to his driver and took off running towards 54th and Fifth Avenue, even as witnesses yelled at him to come back. "It's just a cut, he's fine," the staffer told us Wagner said, before adding, "The driver knows me, I ride with him all the time."

The driver told Complex's reporter, however, that he had never previously driven his passenger, and knew only that he was a "VIP client" on his way to a meeting at the Coca-Cola building on Fifth Avenue. The cyclist reportedly had a bleeding head and was disoriented to the point of having trouble speaking, but as Wagner ran off—as witnesses asked him to stay—he yelled "It's just a cut, he's fine." The driver called 911 and an ambulance eventually arrived for the cyclist, Complex reports.

Allen & Co is a notoriously secretive, family run investment bank that generally works with entertainment and tech companies. Recently, it advised Facebook on its $19 billion purchase of WhatsApp.

[Image via Complex]