
Flack Slaves Ordered Back to Flack Cave

Hamilton Nolan · 03/19/10 10:17AM

We hear America's worst PR firm, Ronn [sic] Torossian-led 5WPR, sent employees a note this morning "telling them to 'work for a library or become school teachers' if they want to leave by 6:30 p.m." Forward that here, would you?

The Most Desperate Fake Celebrity Quotes Ever

Hamilton Nolan · 02/03/10 04:48PM

Would two posts in one day about the comically atrocious PR work of 5WPR be too many? Yes. Too bad. We are obligated—if only as a cautionary tale—to bring you these examples of 5W's incompetent manufactured celebuquotes.

The Time 5WPR Had a Nasty Ladies Room

Hamilton Nolan · 12/16/09 02:32PM

It's a Christmas miracle: a tipster has forwarded us a historic May, 2007 internal staff email from our favorite public relations powerhouse, 5WPR. It seems someone (ladies) could not keep the poop flushed and the tampons put away properly.

Labor Troubles at 5WPR?

Hamilton Nolan · 08/18/09 09:46AM

We're hearing from several sources that 5WPR, the PR firm of our friend Ronn [sic] Torossian, was raided by the Labor Department yesterday. Anyone who was there at the time care to share details? Email us. We'll keep you anonymous.