
Drunken Idiot Tries to Pedal Bike Mounted on Storefront

Jay Hathaway · 12/30/14 02:35PM

At the urging of a "friend," this presumably inebriated definitely idiot attempted to scale the half-bicycle mounted 12 feet up—for decorative purposes only, it should be emphasized—on the façade of RV&E Bikes in Canandaigua, New York. You already know what happened next.

Is Someone Trying to Kill Bono?

Gabrielle Bluestone · 11/16/14 11:06PM

Just days after Bono narrowly escaped death in a malfunctioning private jet comes the news that Bono has been involved in a somewhat serious bicycle accident. Which begs the question, is this all a coincidence, or could Bono be in real danger?

Construction Worker Killed by Tape Measure That Fell 50 Stories

Aleksander Chan · 11/03/14 03:30PM

In a freak accident that does nothing to calm your fears of objects falling from the sky and killing you, a construction worker in Jersey City died this morning after a one-pound tape measure fell 50 stories and hit him in the head.

Jose Canseco Blew His Middle Finger Off While Cleaning His Gun

Allie Jones · 10/29/14 07:07AM

Former MLB slugger and avid Twitter user Jose Canseco had an accident last night. According to his fiancé, Leila Knight, Canseco shot himself in his left hand while cleaning his semiautomatic handgun. She told TMZ the shot "ripped through the middle finger on his left hand."