Accounting giant PricewaterhouseCoopers (PWC) is mired in scandal after a group of 17 male employees in Dublin started forwarding around a "top 10" list of their picks for the most attractive female employees in the office. We have it.

The frat boy behavior of 17 Irish PWC employees is quickly becoming an international incident. The company has already launched an investigation after the email was forwarded all over Ireland, and made its way into the newspapers there today:

"We are taking this matter extremely seriously and are launching a full investigation. We will take all necessary steps and actions in line with our firm's polices and procedures," PWC's human resources partner Carmel O'Connor said last night.

Accounting trade magazines have picked up the story; once it hits the British tabloids, it'll certainly be a PR nightmare for PWC—which has 2,000 employees in Ireland, and 160,000 worldwide. It's already circulated widely in the Irish corporate world, and the media there has seen it, but no news outlet has published it yet.

Judge for yourself. (Don't get all exercised; there's nothing pornographic, it's standard company photos and titles.) Perhaps this will serve as a warning to office-working dudes across the corporate world: Don't do this.