
Let's All Be More Like Nicolas Cage and Led Zeppelin

Max Read · 02/15/12 05:19PM

Above, Nicolas Cage describes his acting discipline, "nouveau shamanic," which involves "put[ting] on Afro-Caribbean paint" and "sew[ing] in bits of Egyptian artifacts that are thousands of years old into my costume and gather[ing] some onyx or tourmeline or something that was meant to have vibrations." Yesterday, he told Moviefone:

How to Date a Wall Street Sociopath

Max Read · 02/09/12 03:00PM

Professional matchmaker Samantha Daniels has some tips "for the women out there who are dating or would like to be dating a man on Wall Street." And sure, you read what she has to say (tip number five: "Be Sexy")... or you could take the advice of a Wall Street Men themselves.

Things to Do Other Than Watch the Super Bowl

Brian Moylan · 02/04/12 06:00PM

If you're anything like me, you will do absolutely anything to avoid the Stupid Bowl. With a deep-seated loathing for everything that happens on the gridiron (that doesn't involve Madonna or Janet Jackson's nipple) I always thought it was the worst day of the year. Boy was I wrong.

People Say Really Stupid Things About The Wire on OKCupid

Brian Moylan · 01/23/12 12:55PM

The Wire is one of my favorite shows of all time and, yes, one of the best shows ever on television. That does not mean a show about urban blight, broken systems, drug dealers, and the strange Baltimore accent is going to get you laid. Probably the opposite in fact. But that doesn't mean people aren't using The Wire to try to get dates on OKCupid.

Unions Need (Much) Better Ads

Hamilton Nolan · 01/17/12 12:53PM

Unions are not doing well. Their membership has been plummeting for years. Their political influence is at an all time low. They're a convenient scapegoat for just about any social or economic problem plaguing America. At least they deserve some good ads.

How to Stop Smoking For Real

Hamilton Nolan · 01/10/12 11:58AM

Just as you suspected, nicotine gum and nicotine patches are a crock, a sham, a mockery, a sucker's bet, a shuck and jive, a switcheroo, and a false hope. They do not work. A new study confirms that they are for shit, unless your goal is to make the inside of your lip taste like a Kool soaked in Listerine. Want to really stop smoking? We have done it. More or less. Here's how.

How to Talk to Real Live Women

Hamilton Nolan · 01/06/12 01:06PM

We know how it is. You were raised completely by the internet, your entire personality is an online creation, and though you're suave on IM, the prospect of chatting up a girl in person is a strange and terrifying prospect. Some of you have been reduced to paying hundreds of dollars to professional wingpersons to help you approach women in public. Fret not, lovelorn computer aliens. Help is here.

How to Wrap the Perfect Present

Brian Moylan · 12/19/11 04:00PM

Right now everyone is scurrying around and throwing elbows trying to get their last minute Christmas shopping done at an overcrowded mall. But what happens when you get all your gifts home? You have to make sure the packages look just as good as what's inside. Here are some simple tricks to wrap the perfect present.

10 Tips to Survive Your Office Holiday Party

Brian Moylan · 12/05/11 05:10PM

Sure, lots of people are cutting back and not throwing extravagant bashes for Christmas and those other winter events this year, but almost every company is going to have some sort of Holiday Party. Here are some rules to get you through yours and not get you fired.

Comment of the Day: A Wall Street Comparison You Can Set Your Watch To

Leah Beckmann · 11/30/11 06:45PM

Today we learned that poor Morgan Stanley has, for the first time in its rich and miserable little life, become the big girl at prom that nobody wants to dance with. As far as recruiting goes, Wall Street has been relegated to a deep dark corner of the uncool-niverse. It has become your Teva sporting, fanny pack wearing, fart joke making dad. And none of the pretty Yalies want to hang! What other comparisons can we make here? One commenter knows:

How Can We Make Wall Street Recruiting 'Cool' Again?

Hamilton Nolan · 11/30/11 03:10PM

Add this to the list of Wall Street's problems: kids these days don't think banks are "cool" any more, for some reason. (Kids. You know?) The NYT says that even Yale kids are protesting when Morgan Stanley comes to campus to recruit their peers who know how to pick out a decent suit, which is probably... the best thing Yalies have ever done.

Before Roasting That Raccoon, Think About Your Brother

Lauri Apple · 10/29/11 04:36PM

All Adam Eubank's brother wanted to do was barbecue a raccoon. He did not intend to get anyone into trouble. But police heard about the raccoon-meal preparations—which took place out in the open, behind their apartment building—and found some buckets of "an unknown material" related to meth-making on the premises. And so the night was ruined.

What Your Halloween Candy Says About You

Brian Moylan · 10/25/11 03:46PM

When the hordes of little tykes dolled up like Dora the Explorer and Spider-Man and whatever other licensed character costumes their parents bought for them at Target show up at your door this Halloween, know that you are being judged. No, it's not on your costume or your synced light show on your house. They're judging you on the treats you put in their bags.

Women Should 'Be a Whore in the Bedroom,' Says GOP Candidate

Lauri Apple · 10/21/11 05:20AM

New Jersey state senate candidate Phil Mitsch knows just what America needs to get his awful state back on track: tax reductions, something called "mandatory mortgage loan modifications on at risk residential properties," and more cooperation from the ladies. "Women, you increase your odds of keeping your men by being faithful, a lady in the living room and a whore in the bedroom," he recently tweeted.

The Recipe for a Perfect LinkedIn Profile Photo

Brian Moylan · 10/20/11 03:58PM

Today the Wall Street Journal chatted with Nicole Williams, who is a "connection director." No, that's not what Heidi Fleiss got put in jail for. Williams works at LinkedIn, the social media equivalent of a "networking event" in a hotel conference room except without the sweaty cold cuts that bald guys are eating with their fingers.