Sarah Palin Waited in the Limo While Her Family Got in a Drunken Brawl
Gabrielle Bluestone · 10/09/14 08:22PMSarah Palin's Budding NASCAR Career Cut Short by Speeding Ticket
Adam Weinstein · 07/22/14 03:50PM
When you're Sarah Palin and you get clocked doing 63 in a 45, there are lots of good responses to give reporters: "It was dumb, won't do it again." "I was in a hurry, won't do it again." "Why do you think this is news? Won't do it again." But then, if you're Sarah Palin, you're gonna go another way.
Alaskans: Not Sure If You're Pregnant? Go to the Bar
Dayna Evans · 06/18/14 01:15PMGirl Falls From Cliff While Telling Her Mom She's Afraid of Falling
Aleksander Chan · 06/10/14 09:06PM
Cherelle "Evie" LaGrou, 18, was telling her mother on the phone that she was worried about the uneven terrain she was hiking when she fell 30 feet on an Alaskan mountain. Her mother could hear her scream as she fell. LaGrou survived with just a few minor cuts and was later rescued by state troopers.
Alaska Candidate: "I'd Probably Invade ANWR" For Oil and "Martyrdom"
Adam Weinstein · 05/20/14 12:05PMAlaskan Supreme Court OKs Cop Sex With Domestic Violence Victim
Michelle Dean · 05/09/14 03:16PMSweet Jesus, Sarah Palin May Be Running for Senate This Year
Adam Weinstein · 04/15/14 10:55AMMan Beats Roommate Over $10 Supermarket Bet After His Gun Jams
Adam Weinstein · 01/07/14 10:21AMPro tip: If you don't know for sure whether the supermarket is open and don't have a Hamilton to wager on it, don't make a bet with the guys who share your Alaska trailer, because they might have a gun. And if the gun doesn't work, they might have a car-jack handle.
Drunk On-Duty Cop Sent Sexually Explicit Texts to a Twelve-Year-Old
Gabrielle Bluestone · 12/22/13 09:30PMA Bear Left a Bar
Sam Biddle · 09/25/13 11:17AMInternet-Famous Feline Mayor Severely Mauled by 'Mean Dog'
Neetzan Zimmerman · 09/03/13 01:21PMHOLY SHIT- THIS BEAR IS RIDING A SEA DOO. ALASKA MUCH?
Max Read · 08/07/13 04:15PMTaylor Berman · 07/07/13 10:46PM
6-Year-Old Boy Rides Van Roof for 3 Miles Along Alaska Highway
Taylor Berman · 07/02/13 08:52PM
When a six-year-old boy in Alaska climbed onto the roof of his parents' van as it sat in their driveway, he probably wasn't expecting to take a ride along a highway while still atop the van. Unfortunately, for the boy and his parents, that's just what happened, and the boy fell from the van's roof after three miles.
Republican Senator Lisa Murkowski Endorses Marriage Equality
Maggie Lange · 06/19/13 09:55AM
Just before the Supreme Court ruling on gay marriage, Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski made a clear endorsement of marriage equality. Murkowski, a Senator since 2002, joins two other Republicans in the Senate (Rob Portman of Ohio and Mark Kirk of Illinois), in supporting the rights of gay and lesbian couples to marry.
Sad Orphan Polar Bear Cub Finally Finds a Home At Buffalo Zoo
Ken Layne · 05/15/13 02:46PM
The saddest thing is a baby polar bear in Alaska waiting and waiting for his mom to come home, but the mom never comes home because a hunter killed her, for sport. And this will always be the saddest children's story, because now the lonesome motherless bear is condemned to live forever in a zoo, in Buffalo.
Our New National Emblem: Bald Eagles Looting Fish Guts from Truck Bed
Cord Jefferson · 05/10/13 03:02PMDouble Amputee Shoots Wal-Mart Worker in Dispute Over Service Dog, Flees Scene in Motorized Shopping Cart
Taylor Berman · 03/18/13 08:27PM
On Saturday, a double amputee driving a motorized shopping cart reportedly shot a Wal-Mart employee in his stomach after the employee asked the legless man to put a leash on his service dog. The double amputee then attempted to flee the scene on the motorized cart, making it to the store's front door before being swarmed by police officers and arrested.
Shitty Joke Forces Alaska Airport to Shutdown for Three Hours
Taylor Berman · 10/14/12 06:13PM
Considering the hyped-up, half-assed shit the TSA forces you to go through before your typical flight, making a bomb-related joke at the airport probably isn't the best move. But, according to the AP, flier Peter Friesema didn't let a thing like common sense get in the way of potential comedy gold and apparently made a wisecrack about having a bomb in his bag. Things went about as well as you'd expect: authorities shutdown Anchorage's Ted Stevens International Airport for three hours hours early Sunday morning as police searched for the non-existent bomb.