
Psycho Hot Sauce Mom Convicted of Child Abuse

Jeff Neumann · 08/24/11 06:38AM

Remember crazy mom Jessica Beagley from Alaska who was so desperate to meet Dr. Phil in person that she abused her young son on video with hot sauce and a cold shower? A judge convicted her yesterday of misdemeanor child abuse. Beagley faces a maximum of one year in jail. This should go without saying, but Dr. Phil really does attract the dumbest, worst people that America has to offer.

Report: Palin Grandchild Born Three Months After Wedding

Maureen O'Connor · 08/08/11 02:22PM

Joe McGinniss, the journalist who briefly lived next door to the Palins, reports that Track Palin's wife Britta Hanson has given birth to her child, a girl named Kyla Grace Palin. As predicted, the birth was a bit earlier than abstinence advocates may have expected—three months after the Track and Britta's well-publicized wedding, and a couple weeks shy of the due date on Britta's rumored baby registry. [JoeMcGinniss]

7.4 Quake Triggers Alaskan Tsunami Warning

Seth Abramovitch · 06/23/11 11:26PM

A 7.4 magnitude earthquake in the Pacific, 100 miles east of Atka, Alaska, has put a tsunami warning into effect. A second quake, this one measuring 7.2, struck the same region a half-minute later. Yikes! [Reuters]

Alaska's Worst Person Bike Jacks a 7-Year-Old Girl

Jeff Neumann · 06/07/11 04:45AM

It's not easy to steal the title of Alaska's Worst Person for obvious reasons, but on Sunday, 32-year-old Byron Edward Syvinski of Anchorage did. He allegedly tried to mug a 17-year-old boy (and punched the kid's father), before rampaging down the street:

Set of Palin Emails Only $726

Lauri Apple · 06/07/11 04:10AM

Summer bargain alert! Come Friday, you can treat yourself to 24,199 pages of electronic messages sent between Sarah Palin, her husband/snowmobile maintenance man, Todd, and various Alaska state officials, for the low, low price of $725.97. (Sorry, no Palin-to-English dictionary included.)

Wasilla High School Principal Bans Bohemian Rhapsody Because Freddie Mercury Was Gay

Seth Abramovitch · 05/12/11 09:04PM

Way up in Wasilla, where the men are men and the moose are meat, members of the high school symphonic jazz choir were excitedly rehearsing for the upcoming graduation ceremony, where they'd be performing an epic rendition of Queen's "Bohemian Rhapsody." Then they were told by Principal Dwight Probasco (that's his staff directory page) that the song had been pulled from the program. "Why?" they wondered, having put months of effort into the big number. Probasco explained it was because he'd received a complaint from a parent. You see Freddie Mercury, the vocalist who had sung the original version of the song, was gay.

Alaskan Teenager Jailed After Riding Ice Floe

Max Read · 05/02/11 10:43PM

You thought Alaska was some kind of free-for-all no-rules paradise, where you could just ride an ice floe to your polling place and elect whomever you want to be governor? Think again! As 18-year-old Mikey Poland learned, that's illegal. (Well, the ice floe part is—you can still vote for as many idiots as you want.) Poland and some friends were "jumping on ice" on the Chena River over the weekend when Poland hopped onto a 10' x 15' piece that had broken off and was floating in the river. His friends, responsible till the end, gave him a milk crate to sit on and a cooler lid to use as a paddle; Poland floated downriver about a quarter mile before getting hung up. After being rescued by the fire department, he was immediately cuffed and charged with "disorderly conduct for creating a hazardous condition for the firefighters who rescued him." He didn't fight the charges, and was sentenced to "days in jail with all 10 suspended, 50 hours of community service," and a $100 fine. [AP]

Levi Johnston Is Writing a Tell-All

Max Read · 04/25/11 10:24PM

Palin-impregnator Levi Johnston has not been in the news much lately, so it's lucky he's got a big announcement: The father of Sarah Palin's grandchild is writing a tell-all! "Levi is going to talk about everybody," manager Tank Johnson says. Everybody, like everybody in the whole world? (What a long book that would be!) Alas, no, it seems Johnson means the Palin family ("Sarah Palin, and the rest of the family—Bristol too"), and that it will have "good stuff," like "exclusive photos." Time will tell if Johnston can fit book-writing in to his busy schedule: He turns 21 on May 6, and he is, we believe, still running for Mayor of Wasilla. Also, he has a kid. Trint? Trodd? Or whatever? [Radar Online; Us Magazine]

Now's Your Last Chance to Tase a Moose in Alaska

Jeff Neumann · 04/13/11 07:40AM

Leave it to Big Government to take all the fun out of sporting in Alaska. Last week, the state's Department of Fish and Game proposed banning the use of tasers on wild animals — such as moose and grizzlies — after "media attention" shed light on what some fear is a rising problem. One issue that could arise, according to the Fish and Game Department's "Taser expert," biologist Larry Lewis:

Science Explains Why Palin Kids Have Such Stupid Names

Max Read · 02/23/11 02:45AM

One of the great failures of modern political journalism is its inability to account for the children of former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin—specially, why they are named things like "Trig" and "Willow"? But where journalism has failed, science may have succeeded:

Is This Sarah Palin's Secret Facebook Page?

John Cook · 02/22/11 10:37AM

It looks like America's Facebooking-est failed governor has been using a fake account to shower praise on her daughter and "like" herself. And she's friends with some creepy people!

Politician Takes 12-Hour Boat Ride to Avoid TSA Pat-Down

Maureen O'Connor · 02/21/11 06:20PM

On her way home from medical treatment for breast cancer, Alaska state Rep. Sharon Cissna underwent a TSA body scan at the airport in Seattle. Agents then ordered a pat-down of the state representative after noticing her mastectomy on the scan, says her chief-of-staff. Cissna, who is a Democrat, decided to leave the airport and take a 12-hour boat ride from Seattle to Juneau, instead.

The Unpublished Sarah Palin Tell-All That's Leaked Everywhere

Jim Newell · 02/21/11 01:00PM

Frank Bailey is a former confidante to Sarah Palin. He started off painting her gubernatorial campaign offices as a volunteer in 2005 and left as a top aide in 2009. He was inspired by, loyal to, and probably in love with Palin, based on our reading. But now he hates her! All of this according to his 465-page, tell-all manuscript that's mysteriously leaked to reporters' inboxes everywhere.