
"Let's talk about your boyfriend, Raffaello Follieri. What does he do?"

Hamilton Nolan · 06/25/08 11:15AM

The question in the headline is from InStyle's interview with actress Anne Hathaway in its upcoming issue. And we have a scan of it! To recap: Hathaway broke up with Follieri last week, and yesterday he was arrested on wire fraud and money laundering charges. So it must be so weird for her to have this interview coming out in which she gushes about cooking pasta for Follieri and throwing awesome dinner parties with him (not any more though, cause of the whole house arrest thing). Such unfortunate timing. Click through for a large version of the awk-ward InStyle page:

Anne Hathaway Almost Bought A House With Follieri

Ryan Tate · 06/25/08 09:55AM
  • Sad Anne Hathaway had been shopping for homes with her scummy Italian boyfriend Rafaello Follieri right before the movie starlet finally realized she had to dump the loser. She told InStyle, for next month's issue: "If we get a house as opposed to an apartment, the first two floors will be a bit more traditional for him to be able to receive people, and the top two floors will be whatever I want." [P6]

Rafaello Loses His Girl, Ends Up In Jail

cityfile · 06/25/08 06:07AM
  • Anne Hathaway's ex, Raffaello Follieri, was arrested yesterday, as you may have heard. Things haven't improved much behind bars. He's already been hospitalized (he collapsed) and tested positive for drugs (opiates). His lawyer is still in the process of rounding up the $16 million he needs to make bail. We can just imagine the awkward convo he's having with Anne today. [NYP]

Arrested Anne Hathaway Ex Still Collecting Donations

Ryan Tate · 06/24/08 11:55PM

Federal prosecutors did not snare Raffaello Follieri's charitable foundation yesterday when they had the Italian businessman arrested for fraud and money laundering. The case against Follieri, at present, focuses on his alleged crimes against private, profit-seeking investors and not the Follieri Foundation he chairs, which supposedly vaccinates children in third-world countries. But the Feds' fraud and money-laundering charges against Follieri Group raise questions about the trustworthiness of the foundation to which it is so closely tied — questions made all the more acute by the fact that Follieri Foundation is itself under investigation by New York's attorney general after apparently failing to file U.S. tax disclosure forms. The foundation, [formerly] directed by Annie Longon, pictured at left via her Facebook profile (via same name/university/city as her Follieri-linked LinkedIn profile), is still raising funds, on the off chance you trust Follieri bookkeeping: [UPDATE: Longon wrote in to say she left Follieri companies in early 2007. For whatever reason, the foundation had not yet removed her name from its website at the time of publication.]

The Case Against Raffaello Follieri

Hamilton Nolan · 06/24/08 11:31AM

The Smoking Gun has the entire criminal complaint against Anne Hathaway's ex-boyfriend Raffaello Follieri, the hustling con artist charged with fraud and money laundering earlier today. Much of the information came out in previous stories and investigations, but it's still pretty stunning to see the extent of the guy's fraud laid out all at once. Payoffs, luxury, deception, and a crooked reporter—all in there. And you can understand why Hathaway stayed with him so long; if your boyfriend had an unlimited pot of (other people's) money to fly you around the world with, you'd like him too:

Raffaello Follieri Arrested For Swindling God Out Of His Savings

Seth Abramovitch · 06/24/08 11:00AM

It should have by all accounts been a joyous time in the Raffaello Follieri-Anne Hathaway household—she, starring in the #1 movie in America, he, setting up a variety of high-stakes shell-games around the globe and reaping their unsavory rewards. Could the pitter-patter of little Raffaello feet—fleecing daycare mates out of their snacks under the guise of a Third World milk-and-cookie drive—have been far behind? Of course, it wasn't meant to be. Raffaello was the target of a New York State Attorney General's Office investigation, and Hathaway—likely after an all-night handling team intervention that culminated in an exhausted junior P.R. agent shouting, "You've got to leave him, Anne! If not for you—for Prada 2!"—finally broke things off with him. Raffaello, Manhattan prosecutors announced today, has been arrested on wire fraud conspiracy and money laundering charges. Oh, and there's also that little white lie he told about being God's hedge fund manager. Oopsies!

Rafaello Goes Down

cityfile · 06/24/08 08:18AM

Looks like Anne Hathaway had an idea that this week wouldn't be a good one for Raffaello Follieri. A week after she dropped she shady Italian boyfriend of four years, he was arrested today on charges of conspiracy, wire fraud and money laundering. The scheme? As you may recall, he's accused of deceiving investors—people like billionaire supermarket Ron Burkle—that he'd been hired by the Catholic Church to sell off real estate; instead, he used the cash to eat "for expensive clothes and restaurant meals, dog-walking services and other personal expenditures." The full criminal complaint below.

Anne Hathaway Can Barely Conceal That She Loathes Kate Hudson

Molly Friedman · 06/19/08 07:20PM

Finally, after years of thinking good girl Anne Hathaway's sleazy (possibly ex!) boyfriend was the K. Fed to her Britney (or is it the other way around?), the formerly controversy-free actress is beginning to show the most subtle of signs that all is not fairy dust and rainbows in her world. In this clip from today's View, resident bitch-in-benevolent-clothing Elisabeth Hasselbeck asked how Anne got along with the more frequent tabloid cover flier Kate Hudson on the set of this fall's Bride Wars. And after witnessing the normally cool under pressure Hathaway struggle to grit her Chicklet teeth and pretend all was peachy keen between the two leading ladies, we finally got some visual confirmation of the rumors of tension between Hathaway and Hudson that we've been hearing about for months. Watch Anne's true colors fly after the jump.

'Get Smart' Adds Anne Hathaway's Man Trouble to Formula For Box-Office Glory

STV · 06/19/08 02:00PM

Shame on anyone — anyone! — who would dare trivialize Anne Hathaway's recent break-up with entrepreneur and check-kiting hobbyist Raffaello Follieri as anything but a natural process of hearts drifting apart under the intense pressures of careers, fame and/or state investigations. And can't a nice girl just stay friendly with her notorious ex without facing insinuations she's manipulating their relationship on the week of her new film's release? We mean, really, Page Six — what's so wrong with that?

Sheen Slur May Offend Veteran Best Man

Ryan Tate · 06/19/08 05:37AM
  • Charlie Sheen is sorry to black people for calling his ex-wife Denise Richards a "f—king n——r." He's especially sorry to "Tony Todd, an African-American, who was my best man at my first two weddings." Ha! Richards, with whom Sheen has been bitterly feuding, doesn't get an apology, and can presumably just "f—king" deal. [Us]

Hathaway's Breakup Saga Rages On

cityfile · 06/19/08 05:30AM
  • More dirt today about Anne Hathaway's breakup with Raffaello Follieri: She's living at the Gramercy Park Hotel while he's staying in a rental in Trump Tower. Evidence that this might be a PR stunt for her new movie: the exes may have met up for dinner at Cipriani last night. [Page Six]

Anne Hathaway Moves On

cityfile · 06/18/08 06:04AM
  • Anne Hathaway dumped her scandal-plagued boyfriend Raffaello Follieri for all the obvious reasons: his legal troubles, the potential damage to her image, etc. Plus her parents despised him and her dad hired a PI to follow them around. [NY Post]

Anne Hathaway Leaves Longtime Boyfriend In Search Of Someone Less Oily And Crook-Like

Seth Abramovitch · 06/17/08 12:15PM

It was a high-profile relationship that was difficult to reconcile: perennial Hollywood good girl and honorary bear icon Anne Hathaway to "bad boy" paramour Raffaello Follieri, an oily entrepreneur linked to a string of shady business transactions that culminated recently in his charitable foundation coming under investigation by the New York State Attorney General's Office. Now, reports the Daily Mail, having experienced the comparative bliss of having exchanged potentially infectious bodily fluids with a total non-charity-swindling-dirtbag like Steve Carell, Hathaway has finally pulled away:

A Brief Field Guide To Raffaello Follieri, Dumped Swindler

Hamilton Nolan · 06/17/08 12:00PM

Just last week we asked when button-cute actress Anne Hathaway would break up with her troublesome, scandal-plagued boyfriend of four years, Raffaello Follieri. She's reportedly "devastated," about it but hey, about time. He was a pretty sleazy character. After the jump, a field guide to the dumped Italian playboy:

New Blind Item Proves That Lesbian Chic Trend Continues Unabated

Molly Friedman · 06/16/08 12:10PM

Naturally we couldn't ignore a blind item involving our favorite celebrity trend of the season, lesbian chic, that appeared in yesterday's NY Daily News. Especially when the item not only involves a starlet who dabbles in Lohan/Ronson-inspired games with the same sex, but also outs her bad boy boyfriend for helping her appear as straight as possible in the public eye. As the News asks today:

Why Good Girls Anne Hathaway And Jennifer Aniston Are Dating Schmucks

Molly Friedman · 06/12/08 06:45PM

The NY Daily News makes a bold (and frightening) opening statement in their story published today regarding good girl Anne Hathaway and her very bad boy boyfriend, money-laundering, law suit magnet Raffaello Follieri: "You are who you date." While that statement may seem to be a bit elementary, they make a good point in Anne's case. No matter how charming she is on screen, how little she appears on the pages of tabloids or how impossible we find it to dislike her in any way, the fact remains that she is still with the sleazy mess of a man. And has been for years, despite all the trouble he's had with the law. And she's not the only major bankable goody two shoes actress lessening "her stock" by dating a guy who's far lower on the Hollywood totem pole: the piece also argues that Jennifer Aniston's summer fling with tattooed bed-hopper John Mayer is just as reputation damaging as Hathway's sketchy romance. So why are these beyond eligible bachelorettes digging through the back lot trash for love?