
Obama's Debate: What the Fuck Did You Expect?

Mobutu Sese Seko · 10/05/12 09:35AM

After spending five years watching a diffident political compromiser campaign for and occupy the White House, Democrats were still shocked that Wednesday's debate didn't reveal Barack Obama: Political Nut-Cutter.

A Nation Zinged: The Gawker 2012 Presidential Debate Liveblog

John Cook · 10/03/12 07:50PM

The first debate of the 2012 general election season—the one that will fundamentally alter the direction of this race even though both Mitt Romney and Barack Obama are terrible debaters who will lose to each other—is upon us. So settle in to your couch, open a beer, review your debate drinking game rules, and let Max Read and I "liveblog"—that's a dead technology from the days before Twitter—the action for you. Let the zingers fly! (No seriously you can watch the ball game and just check in here; we'll keep you updated.)

Americans Are More Pro-Torture Now than They Were Under Bush

Hamilton Nolan · 10/03/12 01:40PM

Remember the George W. Bush years? They almost seem like a bad dream, don't they? Years of terror, and militarism, and war, and unaccountability, and even, perhaps most repugnant, years of torture of foreign prisoners by we, the Americans, the beacons of freedom. Well, the Bush years have thankfully passed. And now, Americans like torture even more.

The Art of the Code-Switch: Obama Morphs for His Audience Just Like You Do

Cord Jefferson · 10/03/12 01:00PM

When I was a young boy my father's best friend, Art, lived in Alabama, and every now and again my family and I would travel from Arizona to spend a week visiting him at his lake house. On one of those trips, on the way back from an errand to buy ice, my dad and I pulled over for a quick bite at a roadside shack advertising catfish fritters. At that point, most of my life had been spent in Saudi Arabia and Arizona, where I could count the number of black children in my elementary school on one hand, and without using my thumb. Alabama was different. Black people were everywhere, though not in Art's neighborhood, and on that day, on the back patio of that fish shack, I recognized code-switching for the very first time.

College Admissions Directors Are Very Comfortable With Your Huge Student Debt

Hamilton Nolan · 10/03/12 10:05AM

To briefly recap: America is currently in a student loan bubble, holding an unimaginably huge amount of student debt, as delinquency of loan payments swells, and even the well-off question whether they can afford college. It would seem, then, rather obvious that student loan debt is too big. Surprise: the people who control the higher education spigot—college admissions directors—disagree!

Arnold Schwarzenegger Is Still Talking About Being a Bad, Bad Man

Louis Peitzman · 10/01/12 10:19PM

Former California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger is in the middle of his "I Got the Maid Pregnant and Wrote a Book About It" press tour, during which he's been candid with interviewers about his inner turmoil. (Yes, when your wife starts asking about your illegitimate son, things get rocky.)

Over 47 Percent of Voters Think Media Over-Covered Mitt Romney's '47 Percent' Remarks

Neetzan Zimmerman · 10/01/12 05:50PM

Following the release of secretly recorded footage from a $50,000-a-plate Mitt Romney fundraiser, in which the GOP's presidential nominee can be heard blasting 47 percent of all voters for believing "they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it," subsequent media coverage may have given a casual observer the impression that Romney had all but forfeited the race.

In Grim Irony, the Washington Post Company Diversifies Into Hospice Care

Cord Jefferson · 10/01/12 12:45PM

It's no secret that the Washington Post Company, home to one of America's most important and revered newspapers, is floundering. The company's once booming education business, Kaplan, has cooled significantly in recent quarters, and ad revenues in both print and online are also down. Fighting to keep its head above water, the Post Co. has now done what many dying people do: turned to hospice care.