If Mitt Romney, who never makes any mistakes, gives a subpar performance at tonight's debate, we'll all know why: he, like Rick Perry before him, was just too tired. According to a report from Buzzfeed, Mitt got almost no sleep Monday night. The cause? A loud train near the candidate's Denver hotel:

But Romney got virtually no sleep Monday night, an aide said, blaming a freight train that passed through a grade crossing near the hotel and blew its horn roughly every hour all through the night. The candidate's sleep deprivation so worried his staff that the campaign looked into switching hotels. The logistics were ultimately too tough, the aide said, and there was concern about how it would look.

Buzzfeed also notes that this isn't some fabrication; a Yelp review for the hotel mentions the disruptive train. Hard to believe such a well-run campaign would make such an oversight, but here we are.

Yelp reviews or not, Daily Intel points out that this is by far the best/worst example of the two campaigns lowering expectations before tonight's big debate.

To keep up with the expectation-lowering candidates, I should disclose that, due to a late-working locked out roommate and illness, I also did not sleep much last night, so please excuse any blogging gaffes.

[via Daily Intel//Image via AP]