
This Is iCloud

Remy Stern · 06/06/11 02:42PM

Apple's iCloud has emerged from the shadows, providing wireless backup and syncing for your apps, songs, documents, books, photos, videos, calendars and contacts. Best of all, it's free. Here's a few of iCloud's more notable features. [Gizmodo]

Apple Is Insulted You Think Steve Jobs Could Ever Die

Ryan Tate · 06/06/11 12:24PM

Apple has turned a routine refresh of Steve Jobs' obituary into an occasion for a full blown media war, asking Jobs' associates to stonewall the Associated Press and allowing it to be known that they are "furious" about commonplace journalism.

Chinese Teen Allegedly Sells His Kidney For an iPad

Seth Abramovitch · 06/02/11 09:47PM

The Telegraph reports on a teenager in China who allegedly sold his own kidney to afford an iPad 2 and iPhone. He told reporters that he had found an advertisement online that offered 20,000 yuan ($3000 US) for a kidney. So he made the journey to the city of Chenzhou in Hunan Province where, he says, a hospital cut him open, plucked out the organ, and paid him for his time.

And on the Eighth Day, God Created Apple

Remy Stern · 05/21/11 03:30PM

Apple-y thoughts apparently inhabit the same part of the brain of Apple fanatics as religious thoughts do in religious folks. Scientists using MRI scanners to see what parts of the brain "lit up" as volunteers viewed Apple imagery found that radical fanboyism is close to a religion in the minds of the afflicted.

Why Did Apple Fib To Congress About the iPhone?

Ryan Tate · 05/12/11 06:23PM

When you're in a hole, stop digging. Apple, with its enviable PR, shouldn't need to learn that lesson, but apparently it does—if only to prevent the sort of inaccurate, overreaching Congressional testimony Bud Tribble delivered Tuesday.

Watch Apple Get Mocked By Al Franken

Ryan Tate · 05/10/11 02:19PM

It may have been a hearing on privacy, but that didn't prevent Apple and its CEO Steve Jobs from getting a very public flogging today on Capitol Hill. Al Franken is apparently immune to Jobs' reality distortion field.

Apple Overtakes Google As World's Most Powerful Brand

Seth Abramovitch · 05/08/11 11:12PM

One need only look to the iPad 2 feeding frenzies currently gripping China for evidence that Apple is the hottest brand on the planet. And now it's official: Research company Millward Brown puts Apple at the top of their annual 100 global brand power list, knocking Google off the throne its held for four years running. The iPad has helped Apple grow 84%, to an estimated worth of $153 billion.

iPad 'Near-Riot' Injures Four

Max Read · 05/08/11 02:24PM

A "near-riot" broke out in the crowd at a Beijing Apple store on Saturday, a day after the iPad 2 went on sale, sending four to the hospital and smashing a glass door.

Apple Redefines 'Location' to Justify Stalking

Ryan Tate · 04/27/11 01:58PM

To refute intense criticism that iPhones track their owners' every move, Apple today announced that "the iPhone is not logging your location," just what Wi-Fi stations you're near. Too bad Apple already admitted there's no difference.

Sen. Al Franken Sets Hearing On Secret iPhone Tracking

Jim Newell · 04/26/11 03:02PM

Senator Al Franken (D-MN) has stepped up his pressure on Apple CEO Steve Jobs, announcing on Monday that he will hold hearings on the recent revelation that Apple iPhones and iPads are secretly tracking and storing their users' locations.

Hot New Trend: Posting the Data Apple Secretly Collected on You

Adrian Chen · 04/21/11 11:14AM

When it comes to technology today, there is barely any distance between outrageous privacy violation and cool new feature. When news broke yesterday that Apple has been secretly spying on iPhone users, many people immediately broadcasted the illicit data to everyone.

Here's What You Can Blow Your Tax Refund On

Brian Moylan · 04/15/11 05:30PM

Luckily everyone has until Monday, April 18—rather than the customary April 15th—to file their taxes. Sure, many people (especially freelancers) are going to be cutting a giant check to Uncle Sam. But lots of people will be getting money back from the government. Here are some of the things you can buy with your newfound riches.

Steve Jobs Personally Rejects App That Measures Cell Phone Radiation

Adrian Chen · 03/24/11 01:46PM

In light of our current nuclear panic, the frenzy over cell phone radiation seems like a quaint relic of an innocent past. But it's still an issue, and software company Tawkon has been trying to release an app that measures your iPhone's radiation levels for months. After failing to get approval in Apple's App Store, Tawkon's CEO Gil Friedlander sent Steve Jobs an email at his address asking for his blessing.

The Two Most Controversial iPhone Apps of the Week

Adrian Chen · 03/23/11 03:25PM

Here are two things you could do with your iPhone last week that you might not be able to next week: learn about how to fake-"cure" yourself from being gay, and avoid DUI checkpoints. It's outrage time in the App store!