Here's the Ashton Kutcher Laptop That CBS Banned
Ryan Tate · 09/27/11 06:11PM
We criticized Details magazine for letting "editor" Ashton Kutcher turn it into a huge brochure for Kutcher's investments. But the actor doesn't always get a free pass from the media: After seeing this shamelessly self promotional laptop in Two And A Half Men, CBS producers banished it from the show.
Ashton Kutcher's Penis and Other Two and a Half Men Miseries
Richard Lawson · 09/20/11 12:11PMLate Show Features Three Reasons Not to Watch Two and a Half Men
Matt Cherette · 09/09/11 03:50AMThe cast of Two and a Half Men appeared on tonight's Late Show to present David Letterman's Top 10 list of reasons to still tune in. But as you'll see in this video, Ashton Kutcher sort of seems over it already, so... points at least for being self-aware?
David Letterman Grills Ashton Kutcher About Two and a Half Men
Matt Cherette · 08/25/11 12:18AMAshton Kutcher stepped out of his insanely oversized trailer on the Two and a Half Men set tonight for long enough to visit the Late Show. And while most of us aren't the least bit interested in knowing about Kutcher's Charlie Sheen-replacing character—or the details of Sheen's on-screen death—David Letterman nonetheless seemed quite intent on getting him to cough up some details. Video of the interrogation is above.
Feds Say Ashton Kutcher Could Be in Trouble
Ryan Tate · 08/18/11 06:15PMAshton Kutcher Is a Massive Whore
Ryan Tate · 08/17/11 05:26PM
Not only did Ashton Kutcher pose for the cover of Details' September issue, he also edited a special "online only" version, out today. Turns out Hollywood's prettiest boytoy is one compromised whore of a magazine editor, directing most of his recommendations and profiles to tech companies he's invested in, with nary a word of disclosure. It's shameless even by Condé Nast standards.
Ashton Kutcher's Trailer Overcompensates For Tiny Talent
Seth Abramovitch · 08/16/11 02:38AM
Here's the mobile command center from which Ashton Kutcher will shmooze D-list tech moguls and emasculate sex traffickers between takes of Two and a Half Men, the CBS sitcom he agreed to save after star Charlie Sheen accidentally swallowed a softball-sized crack rock and went crazy. If it seems a bit...much, well, you're obviously a Hollywood outsider. 53-foot-long, 1,100-square-foot "rolling estates" are de rigueur among top-tier television stars. Of course, not all of them are custom outfitted with a Kabbalahcize studio and 24-hour raw food bar, but Kutcher commands that kind of attention to luxury. [Daily Mail, photo via]