LAPD Outsources Traffic Announcements to Ashton Kutcher and Lady Gaga

The LAPD has seized on Los Angeles' most valuable natural resource, celebrities, for help in broadcasting a highway closure. They've reached out to Ashton Kutcher, Demi Moore, Lady Gaga and others to tweet the news.
Ashton Kutcher heeded the call, tweeting:
LAPD askd me 2tweet: 405fwy btwn 10 & 101 will b closed July16-17. In xchange I would like a free pass on that stoplight tickt IT WAS YELLOW
This is a great way to utilize our practically useless movie and pop stars! The Department of Homeland Security should start issuing terror threats through Justin Bieber's Twitter account. "The DHS asked me to tweet that al-Qaeda is planning to attack major metropolitan areas in the U.S. #neversaynever #swag." [via HyperVocal, photos via Getty and Wikipedia]