The Latest Horrible Austrian Incest-Rape Story Was All a Misunderstanding
John Cook · 09/09/11 04:15PM
The news last month that two adult Austrian women had accused their father of keeping them in a rape dungeon for their entire lives—coupled with a remarkably similar 2008 story—prompted us to ask: What's the story with all the horrendous family-rape, Austria? Turns out the latest story isn't quite what it seemed.
Latest Incest/Torture Dungeon Case Raises Question: What's Wrong With You, Austria?
Lauri Apple · 08/29/11 08:38PM
In April 2008, an Austrian woman named Elisabeth Fritzl revealed to police that her father, Josef, had locked her in a basement for the preceding 24 years and raped her more than 3,000 times. Now comes yet another horrific case involving an Austrian man sexually abusing, torturing, and imprisoning his children over the course of many years.
Austrian Incest Dungeon Used as Party Pad
Max Read · 02/14/11 10:28PMNorthern Exposure
Max Read · 01/07/11 03:51AMThe Irony-Free Facial Hair Fest
Jeff Neumann · 10/02/10 11:51AMArchdiocese Pulls Confessional From eBay, Can't Be Used As a Bar
Jeff Neumann · 07/21/10 05:14AMAn Inception? That's Impossible.
Max Read · 07/19/10 01:15AMJoin the Austrian Army, Get Hot Austrian Tail
Mike Byhoff · 02/03/10 09:47AMThis ad may be a tad unbelievably sexist, given the prolonged, gratuitous shot of a girl's cleavage, but when it comes to the matter of protecting one's country, all bets are off.
Bareback Brownshirts! Fey Fascist Loved Fallen Leader
Pareene · 10/23/08 09:38AM
Jörg Haider, the leader of Austria's far-right Alliance for Austria's Future party, died this month in a high-speed car crash. He was drunk. Why was he drunk? Because, of course, he'd just had a terrible fight with his gay lover, who was also his 27-year-old protege and party deputy. After the fight, Haider went to a gay club and drank heavily with male escorts. Did we mention he was the leader of the far-right party? The one that's anti-immigrant and anti-European Union and pro-traditional family values? And that Haider was married with children? Haider's successor and lover, Stefan Petzner, is now speaking openly of his love for his neo-fascist boss.