
This Baby-Swinging Yoga Video Can't Be Real, Right?

Maureen O'Connor · 01/06/11 01:53PM

The following video shows a Russian lady subjecting a squirming baby to "dynamic exercises" that involve swinging it by its arms and ankles, upside down and over her head. Oddly, there is precedent: Russian swinging baby videos are a meme.

Overcome Self-Doubt Using Self-Loathing

Hamilton Nolan · 01/04/11 02:14PM

Courage theories! Sea drugs! Self-doubt conquering! Multi-species jet lag! True hair colors! The fattest place on earth! Dumb babies! And rovers that just won't quit! It's your Tuesday Science Watch, where we watch science—while "doing the robot," with words!

The Baby Preacher Got Subtitled and it Sounds Real

Christopher Han · 12/15/10 03:10PM

Originally, we had a Baby Preacher video. He did not make any sense, and it was perfectly amusing. Even more amusing? Putting subtitles on his gibberish, and actually being fooled into thinking he was saying those words. Watch inside.

Kids Love Weed More Than Sugar

Hamilton Nolan · 12/14/10 03:22PM

Vitamin sleep! Radiation babies! Sugar cereal! Fat Scots! Hotel workouts! Soda tax! Alzheimer's explanations! And the war on drugs pays off! It's your Tuesday Health Watch, where we watch your health—if you can call it that!

Adorable Baby Falls Asleep While Eating

Annie Fleming · 12/11/10 05:00PM

This little guy has had a long day. So long, in fact, that he can barely chew his food before passing out in his high chair.

Watch Babies Do Some Serious Social Networking

Kate Shapiro · 11/30/10 02:51PM

Ever wanted to social network but couldn't because you were a toddler? Now you can! This Finnish device allows toddler's to communicate with each other and parents via blocks with pictures of what they're doing. Twitter for tots!

Unborn Baby Nearly Reenacts Chestbuster Scene from Alien

Annie Fleming · 11/22/10 11:10AM

In this somewhat terrifying video, an expectant French couple watches as their unborn child squirms around its mother's womb. At moments one can nearly see a little hand clawing to get out.

Grandma Tries to Sell Grandson, Fails Miserably

Jeff Neumann · 11/06/10 01:52PM

A 45-year-old woman named Patty Bigbee was arrested yesterday with her boyfriend after they tried to sell her baby grandson for $75,000. After some haggling the buyer, an undercover police informant, got Bigbee to agree to $30,000.

Miracle Baby Falls Six Stories, Survives

Maureen O'Connor · 11/02/10 04:48PM

A Parisian baby fell out the window of her parent's apartment, plummeted six floors, bounced off an awning, then landed in the hands of a doctor who happened to be walking by. He checked her out. She is now fine.

10-Year-Old Gives Birth in Spain

Maureen O'Connor · 11/02/10 01:35PM

Yikes. A 10-year-old girl in Jerez de la Frontera—a city in the Andalusia region of Spain—just gave birth, and authorities can't decide whether or not to let her family keep the baby.