
The 'Obama Phone' Program Has Nothing to Do with Obama

Cord Jefferson · 09/28/12 10:50AM

For a few hours yesterday, the top link on the Drudge Report led to a YouTube video in which an Ohio woman said she's going to vote for President Obama because he gave her a phone. The woman is inarticulate and she speaks loudly, and on top of those things she's black. Basically, she is exactly the kind of person many on the right envision—wrongly, it should be said—when they think of who is guzzling from the government teat these days. That she was bragging about Obama giving "every minority in Cleveland" luxuries like cell phones was just the icing on the cake.

Not All People Dislike Obama Because He's Black, But These People Do

Cord Jefferson · 09/26/12 04:30PM

In an Associated Press article from earlier this month, national affairs writer Jesse Washington posed the question, "Does racial bias fuel Obama foes?" "The question of whether race fuels opposition to President Barack Obama has become one of the most divisive topics of the election," Washington continued. "It is sowing anger and frustration among conservatives who are labeled racist simply for opposing Obama's policies and liberals who see no other explanation for such deep dislike of the president."

ICYMI: Here Are the 60 Minutes Interviews With the Presidential Candidates In 60 Seconds

Kate Bennert · 09/24/12 07:00PM

The infamous and inevitable 60 Minutes interviews with the Chosen Two aired on CBS last night. Neither candidate said anything that they had never said before and everyone walked away forgetting why they had opted to watch the predictably uninformative interviews in the first place. (Is 60 Minutes even still a thing?)

Floridians Want to Know: Is This Onion Article Real?

Max Read · 09/24/12 09:26AM

Does president Obama have a 19-year-old son? Most people would guess, correctly, that no, the most powerful and famous man on the planet does not have an adult son whom you've never seen, and any articles about it are clearly satire. Not Floridians, though. No — Floridians want to know if the Onion article they've been forwarded is real.

Barack Obama Is Libya's Al-Qaida Chief for Hawaii

Mobutu Sese Seko · 09/14/12 01:30PM

On Wednesday, Rush Limbaugh once again proved that he's unafraid to ask questions the rest of us avoid because the blood vessels to our brains aren't occluded by hog fat and Macanudos. On his radio show, he speculated: "What if Ayman al-Zawahiri and other al-Qaida leaders gave up Osama bin Laden for the express purpose of making Obama look good?" He then followed up, "Do you think that militant Islamists will be as hopeful of getting rid of Israel with a Republican president or with a Democrat president?"

Romney Believes "Middle-Income Americans" Make $200,000 to $250,000 a Year

Cord Jefferson · 09/14/12 11:32AM

Fresh off a real godforsaken run at foreign policy chops in the wake of deadly riots in Egypt and Libya, Mitt Romney has focused his attention back on making blundering statements about our very own U.S.A. This morning, during a Good Morning America interview, the ultra-wealthy businessman said that he plans on reducing taxes for "middle-income" Americans. But how does he define middle income?