
Jon Stewart Explains the Life Cycle of the Political Gaffe

Matt Toder · 06/11/12 10:28PM

The political gaffe, once something that had the power to ruin careers and destroy campaigns, can now come and go in a single day. Since that's exactly what happened with something President Obama said the other day, Jon Stewart took a moment on tonight's Daily Show to take us through the life cycle of the political gaffe.

All Leaks Are Good Leaks

John Cook · 06/08/12 12:13PM

Barack Obama's critics on the left and right are beginning to coalesce around the idea that the White House should be punished for selectively leaking flattering details about covert operations while at the same time zealously prosecuting whistleblowers who reveal less flattering secrets. This is stupid. Every leak is a good leak.

So You've Decided To Whack A Raghead.

Mobutu Sese Seko · 06/06/12 02:16PM

Last week, the New York Times ran a 5,000-word article on the Obama administration's "secret" drone assassination program that might as well have been accompanied by the cheery clip art that comes with brochures on STDs from the free clinic.

Amanda Bynes Would Like President Obama to Intervene in Her DUI

Louis Peitzman · 06/05/12 06:46PM

Look, we all wish we could speak to Barack Obama directly — and thanks to the magic of Twitter, sometimes we pretend that we do. But we accept (hopefully) that he's a busy guy, currently working on getting reelected, and he probably doesn't have time to read all our pleas.

Finally, Barack Obama Covers 'Call Me Maybe'

Louis Peitzman · 06/04/12 09:08PM

OK, so it's not actually the President singing Carly Rae Jepsen's oh-God-why-can't-I-stop-listening-to-this hit, but it's definitely the next best thing.

Fifth Grader Gets Presidential Pardon for Absence

Louis Peitzman · 06/02/12 11:45AM

It's not every day you get a chance to see President Obama speak — and it's even rarer to watch him get introduced by your dad. That's why fifth grader Tyler Sullivan made the wise choice to skip school and head to the Honeywell factory where his dad, Ryan Sullivan, works.

Stephen Colbert Tries To Stay Off Obama's Kill List

Matt Toder · 05/31/12 11:30PM

On tonight's Colbert Report, Stephen Colbert took a look at the recent revelations surrounding Obama's "kill list," and all the logical leaps that keep down the stats about civilian deaths. Turns out these numbers are pretty easy to rig as long as you completely divorce yourself from reality first.

Bill Maher Wonders Why the Right Is So Mad At Obama When He Is Too

Matt Toder · 05/25/12 10:54PM

On tonight's Real Time, Bill Maher closed with a rant about the claim that President Obama is radical in his views. It makes little sense to Maher that the right has such a problem with Obama when Obama hasn't exactly been the bastion of liberal ideology some thought he would be.