Is Anderson Cooper Dangerously Conflict Avoidant?
Choire · 07/18/07 10:40AM
Out in Sun Valley at the annual Allen & Co. confab last week, the jolly baby-eating mogul set almost had something regarding conflict, according to Page Six. CNN prince Anderson Cooper was moderating a panel, and Sony king Howard Stringer suggested that Apple king Steve Jobs is greedy. And Anderson was all "peas and carrots, peas and carrots, change the subject la la la" until IAC king Barry Diller said to his yacht-buddy, "Anderson, you're missing something here, Howard Stringer just called Steve Jobs greedy." Now, Anderson has something of a shy streak, but it doesn't show up at work that often, except maybe with Angelina Jolie. Maybe it's getting worse? Is something going on? Can't be good for the job. Does Anderson need some short-term therapy, some assertiveness training? Is he getting weary of this tiresome world of stupid conflict?