The New Anna Wintour: Whoever InStyle's Editor Is
Hamilton Nolan · 05/18/10 12:27PMThe Race to Vandalize Shepard Fairey's Mural
Hamilton Nolan · 04/26/10 10:43AMThe Rod Blagojevich Reality Show Heads to Court
Jeff Neumann · 04/21/10 05:25AMThe Mayor in Question Is from Staten Island, Which Makes it Even Funnier
Hamilton Nolan · 03/10/10 01:27PMNow Even You Can Dress Like Neel Shah
Hamilton Nolan · 01/21/10 02:55PMAnthony Bourdain and David Chang Declare War on "Stupid Fu*kin" Foodiot Guy Fieri
Foster Kamer · 10/11/09 04:45PMTeam Michael Bay's Megan Fox Diss Letter: Censored!
Foster Kamer · 09/13/09 11:15AMMedia Scribe Rebuffed By Restaurateur For Being "Pushy" Over Reservations
Foster Kamer · 09/12/09 02:15PMNew York Media Types Clearly Aren't Licensed To Talk About Cars
Foster Kamer · 08/30/09 10:50AM50 Cent Squashes Beef With Pubescent Tween Dis Master
Hamilton Nolan · 07/02/09 03:48PMAlex Bogusky Is That Ad Guy
Hamilton Nolan · 06/30/09 03:10PM
Go to any function where advertising "creatives" gather, and you will see that guy: the one wearing some old Converse, or crazy purple-yellow-red-green Adidas he designed himself, online. The average old person would not think such a cool guy could be such a corporate hack, but they would be wrong! We're not here to give you list of facts about Alex Bogusky's career (he's the chairman of Crispin Porter + Bogusky, the supercool ad agency that brought you the weird Burger King ads, Microsoft's current ad campaign, and many others—basically the EDGY agency that's not too edgy for corporate behemoths)—we're just here to demonstrate to you that, yes, Alex Bogusky is that ad guy. Okay:
Media Catfight: Rachel Sklar vs. Jeff Jarvis
Foster Kamer · 06/20/09 10:30AMKarl Lagerfeld vs. Heidi Klum: Round 2
Foster Kamer · 06/13/09 04:45PMNot-Secret Meeting Shrouded in Secrecy
Hamilton Nolan · 05/29/09 01:09PMFunky Fresh Michael Steele Battles Rush Limbaugh For Control of Republican Party
Pareene · 03/02/09 05:10PMMeet Matthew McConaughey, The Creepiest Beef Spokesman In The World
nickm · 07/07/08 04:00PMDid you stuff your face with enough beef over the holiday weekend? If not, Matthew McConaughey is gonna be mighty pissed off. Check out the new radio spot he recorded for the National Cattleman's Beef Association. You know, the dudes who came up with that "Beef, it's what's for dinner" slogan? Well, they got themselves a brand new golden-haired, A-list pitchman and the results have become a bit of an obsession here in the Defamer offices. Why does it fascinate so? Maybe it's because McConaughey plays up his every vocal tic for maximum effect, like he's trying to lure a small child into a windowless van with some candy. Or maybe it's because their new tagline, "Discover the power of protein in the land of lean beef," is so impossibly vomit inducing (and also a little homoerotic). Or perhaps it's because at the end of the day, Matthew delivers his most convincing performance since A Time To Kill. Whatever the reason, it totally works. I ate like 15 burgers this weekend and couldn't be happier. Listen to the ad after the jump.