
Rick Perry Hates Debates Almost as Much as He Hates Mitt Romney

Matt Cherette · 10/25/11 08:25PM

Rick Perry stopped off at The O'Reilly Factor this evening to lay out the economic plan he announced this morning. But the interview's more amusing moments came when the Republican presidential candidate blamed his drop in the polls on the recent round of GOP debates—their general format, not his performance in them—and then took some shots at mortal enemy Mitt Romney, who will "say whatever [he needs] to say for whatever office [he's] running for."

Stephen Colbert Defends Bill O'Reilly Against Evil Book-Burning Troops

Matt Cherette · 10/21/11 01:55AM

Under the guise of a program called "Books for the Troops," Bill O'Reilly strong-arms viewers into buying his latest bestseller by promising to send a copy of each one sold to American soldiers serving overseas. Of course, that doesn't mean the troops actually want the books, as we learned Wednesday when one serviceman in Afghanistan posted a photo online of scores of O'Reilly's Pinheads & Patriots burning in a trash bin. How rude! Thankfully, Stephen Colbert was at attention on tonight's Report to set the pinheaded troops straight.

Dirty Tricks at The Wall Street Journal in Europe

Hamilton Nolan · 10/12/11 01:26PM

In your bleary Wednesday media column: the WSJ's European publisher is forced to resign, paywalls come to college papers, Jennifer Granholm gets a TV show, a money back guarantee for advertisers and "Brother" Bill O'Reilly.

Bill O'Reilly Faces Off Against Tavis Smiley and Cornel West

Matt Cherette · 10/11/11 08:46PM

Back in August, talk show host Tavis Smiley and Princeton professor Cornel West embarked on an 11-state "poverty tour," footage from which is airing this week on Smiley's PBS program. The two men appeared on tonight's Factor (broadcast from Boston in front of an audience) for what was supposed to be a poverty-themed debate about everything from Occupy Wall Street to Herman Cain. But as you might expect given this is Bill O'Reilly's show we're talking about, the audience was treated to lots of finger-pointing and shouting instead. Here's video of the debate's meatiest moments.

Bill O'Reilly Tees Off on Occupy Wall Street

Matt Cherette · 10/07/11 04:13AM

Been waiting with bated breath to hear Bill O'Reilly weigh in on the Occupy Wall Street protests? Then you'll be pleased to learn he gave his two cents on Thursday's Factor. As you probably can guess, O'Reilly thinks they're a bunch of loony, far-left, America-hating anarchists who want to burn down all the stores and kill us all. A clip from the segment is above.

Bill O'Reilly's Elevator Showdown with Andy Rooney

Matt Cherette · 10/03/11 09:52PM

Since Andy Rooney's final "Here's what I hate this week!" 60 Minutes segment aired last night, fans of the curmudgeonly old coot must look elsewhere (e.g. Curb Your Enthusiasm) for grouchy inspiration. Or they could just watch this clip of Bill O'Reilly telling a story tonight about the time he found himself in an elevator with Rooney, who he'd never met, and whose first words to him were, "You'll never make it." Because obviously.

Bill O'Reilly Wants to Feed His Muffin to Eva Longoria

Matt Cherette · 09/29/11 10:27PM

Bill O'Reilly's pervy fascination with Lady Gaga is so 2010. This year on the Factor it's all about Eva Longoria. At least that's the feeling we got after watching O'Reilly insert Longoria into tonight's "Pinheads & Patriots" segment for seemingly no reason other than to offer her free muffins to come on his program.

Jon Stewart and Bill O'Reilly Fight Over Taxes, Muffins

Matt Cherette · 09/28/11 10:55PM

After Bill O'Reilly said last week that he'd consider quitting his job if President Obama raised his tax rate to 50%, Jon Stewart mocked him on The Daily Show with a fake PSA soliciting donations for "a helpless multi-millionaire." On tonight's program, Stewart called O'Reilly's bluff to his face during a short, lively debate over taxes, government, muffins—yes, muffins—and more. Here's a video of the segment.

Happy Birthday, Fox News!

John Cook · 09/21/11 04:13PM

It was fifteen years ago next month that the malevolent force known as Fox News Channel first ruptured Rupert Murdoch's birth-sac and emerged, steaming and foul, onto our television screens. The gang is all getting together to celebrate the upcoming special day with a party tonight at Chelsea Piers in Manhattan. Chelsea Piers, right on 11th Avenue around 23rd St. Everyone will be there—Roger, Bill, Gretchen, Steve, Sean, Jesse, Rupert. Go say hi!

How Bill O'Reilly Tried to Get His Wife's Boyfriend Investigated By the Cops

John Cook · 08/30/11 10:36AM

Last summer, Fox News anchor Bill O'Reilly came to believe that his wife was romantically involved with another man. Not just any man, but a police detective in the Long Island community they call home. So O'Reilly did what any concerned husband would do: He pulled strings to get the police department's internal affairs unit to investigate one of their own for messing with the wrong man's lady.