Women—you can't live with them, you can't duck their punches. That's true for at least one Hollywood boyfriend. Also putting on the gloves are a star at the plastic surgeon and a wronged actress. It's a knockout!
It might have tasted like cherry Chap Stick, but these ladies didn't like kissing a girl, so now they're just friends. Not kissing anytime soon are two rival costars and a lonely celeb. Pucker up, everyone!
We love tearing celebrities down, but it's so much harder when they're doing charity work and helping a family member dealing with a terminal illness. Damn this heart! No sympathy however for a fashion mag whose Twitter password is retarded.
This guy was in such a rush he didn't even apologize for mowing down fluffy. A beleaguered wife, a warring couple, and a brothel-loving singer better watch out. There is a maniac on the loose!
We've all done things we regretted—bad outfits, dated that loser, a Girls Gone Wild video—but no one hates her bad decisions like this star. Also a two-timing cougar. No regrets there!
Today we innocently repeated a Page Six blind item about a married former newspaperman carrying on an affair with a single reporter. We don't have names. But we do have some of the newspaperman's text messages to his ladyfriend!
There's halitosis, and then there is the kind that makes you want to wretch. But this stench-breathed star has nothing on a vain actress, a cheating newspaper man, a girly golfer, and an actress who's dying to keep her secret!
Is everyone in Hollywood on drugs? These days the place sounds like a campy movie with Patty Duke. One actress slips them in her Starbucks and the other chews them on the plane. Gimme my dolls!
219West has struck again. It's always been bizarre how someone so prominent would be so public on his Manhunt profile. Now he's indiscreetly responding to Craigslist m4m ads at 5am looking for "ski" partners. (Psst, that's code for "snort coke.")
It's not good enough to just be gay anymore. To rank, you have to be a total S&M queen. Oh, the modern age! It is also home to dirty game show hosts, undersexed starlets, and secret relationships. Whip it!
Finally, we have something nice to say. Boring, huh? One actress kindly paid for her poor friend's entire wedding. Aww. We're not being nice to a star's bratty kids, a bad celeb restaurateur, or a cheating golfer. No way.
We may have guessed which stars ran afoul of their dealer. Can you? Or do you know which celeb has crippling stage fright and who is a bad mother? You better tell us, or we're not giving you your fix.
Just because she has the golden statue doesn't mean she stopped using the white stuff—even in public! Also, a Hollywood couple's kids behaving badly and an actress gets sacked by her director beau. The blind items go to...
There are closets and then there are closets. One bald former big shot is relying on everyone keeping his man-on-man cavorting a secret. Also coming out, the skeletons about one star's taste for hookers. Really? Do tell!
Apparently Hung isn't just our new favorite Sunday night distraction, it's a way of life for one lucky actor who is packing a huge endowment. Also try a barking actress, a spendthrift photographer, and a celeb pyro on for size.
We're all scared of something. But the scariest thing of all: germs. They're invisible! They make you sick! Ew, don't touch me. Germs! Pass the Purell and give your complete attention to one lone mid-August blind item.
Talk about tacky! Another celeb has smaller size labels sewn in her clothes to feed her thin delusions. And Michael Musto gets rid of every blind item he had stored in his gossip closet. Prepare to binge on trashy rumormongering!
Sometimes famous people have problems, and that's why they're crazy. So, who is the actress blaming her behavior on lady troubles? Speaking of troubles, here's a celeb coke-induced nose rebuilding and reality stars behaving badly. Celebrities: they're just like us!
Who hasn't fibbed about their age, salary, or penis size, but there is one A-list out there who has made up an entire mythology for her past. Up next, a reality show host who steals ideas. Do tell!
And no, you can not guess Star Jones. Her arrangement marriage ended a while ago. This must be a new one. Also for your pondering: crazy actress diets, a director who pees himself, and a country singing meth dealer. Fun!