
Remainders: Gawker Stalkering the Death of Love

Jessica · 12/28/05 04:46PM

• Mike Myers and his wife of the past 12 years, Robin Ruzan (whose Jewish mother was the inspiration behind Myers' Linda Richman character on Saturday Night Live), have filed for divorce. What went wrong? By using the clues in Gawker Stalker, you can piece together the decline of a marriage and the rise of an alcoholic. Which is exactly what we designed the feature for. [The Apiary]
• A court has lifted a Santa Fe woman's restraining order against David Letterman, who, she claims, used code words during his show to give her instructions on how to eat crayons and wear tinfoil hats. [AP]
• When bloggers turn unreasonably nasty on commonfolk, nobody wins. It's akin to cannibalism, snarking on one's own kind. [Perez Hilton]
• Yes, we know that horsey 90210 alum Tori Spelling is engaged to a new beau, despite being not yet divorced from her ex-husband. May her new man enjoy riding her around the Spelling mansion. [Us Weekly]
• Patrick Swayze is delving into hip-hop, using "rap rhythms as an emotional undercurrent for ballads." We always felt Dirty Dancing would be profoundly improved with the addition of gold teeth and bitches. [AllHipHop]
• You may consider yourself a gay wino, but are you gay and drunk enough to own a collectible bottle of Madonna's "Confessions on a Dance Floor" wine? [Celebrity Cellars]
• A new sense of pity for Women's Wear Daily reporter Jacob Bernstein, whose mother Nora Ephron will never be happy until her baby boy finds her a cabbage strudel. [NYT]

Being Covered by the Gray Lady Certainly Pays Better Than Working for Her

Jessica · 12/27/05 11:05AM

Today's Times has a piece about Amazon Connect, which allows authors to blog on their retail pages. Meg Wolitzer is prominently featured as an author utilizing her Amazon blog — she serves as the story's lede and primary example, plus there's a nice photograph.

Media Bubble: With Brownridge Going, Wenner Seeks Someone New to Bully

Jesse · 12/23/05 11:00AM

• Megalomaniacal Jann Wenner is now picking on Us editor Janice Min, which doesn't seem like a smart thing to do. [WWD]
• Now The Washington Post has a staff blogger, too. [Washingtonian]
• Jon Friedman visits an EW focus group and finds that subscribers really, really love the magazine. Freakishly so, to be honest. [MW]
Daily News readers overwhelming think Bob Schieffer should stay on permanently as the CBS Evening News anchor, according to Richard Huff's "highly unscientific" poll. [NYDN]
• If you look really closely, you can find Warren Buffett's hand in Time's Person of the Year issue. No, it's not holding cash. [NYP]

TWU Members Give Up on Mastering PA, Turn to Blogging

Jesse · 12/20/05 11:25AM

We've been meaning all morning to take a good look at the TWU's strikeblog — and, more interestingly, the 300-odd kvetchy comments that have been posted so far this morning — but we haven't been able to motivate to sit and read 300-odd kvetchy comments. (Mostly because poking ourselves repeatedly in the eye with a dull pencil sounds more fun.) Yet one more reason to love the Observer's Ben Smith, however, is that he did it for us. Some comments highlights from The Transit Worker, as excepted by The Politicker:

Bringing Out the Welcome Wagon for the New Blog on 43rd Street

Jesse · 12/19/05 04:52PM

We have no desire to get into Jesuitical parsing of our relationship/ nonrelationship with the New York real-estate blog Curbed, and of Curbed's relationship/nonrelationship with the Times. So we won't. And we'll simply — without any disclaimers or nondisclaimers — welcome the latest Times blogging effort, the Gray Lady real-estate blog called The Walk-Through.

The Year in Fuck-Ups: Fun!

Jesse · 12/13/05 05:13PM

The obsessively comprehensive and utterly amusing blog Regret the Error, which tracks noteworthy corrections into newspapers around the world, today published its list of the year's best corrections. Top honors went to the Denver Daily News, which won Correction of the Year for this squib from its July 27 edition:

Is This the Little Krucoff We Carried? Is This the Little Krucoff at Play?

Jesse · 12/13/05 12:54PM

He can't hold down a job and he can barely hold together his everyday life. Yet, it's somehow not at all surprising that within three weeks of arriving in Jerusalem with no previous Hebrew training or Jewish education, beloved mascot Andrew Krucoff has not only decided he's ready for a belated bar mitzvah but has also managed to find a group of people — bloggers, natch — to coordinate it and enticed pervy Dov Charney of American Apparel to sponsor it.

David Hauslaib Abandons His Jossip Hobby

Jessica · 12/12/05 11:47AM

In nerdy blog news, David Hauslaib, the well-coiffed young thing behind gossip blog Jossip and gay spin-off Queerty, is stepping down after two years of nursing Jossip to maturity. He'll stick around in a management capacity (how very Denton!), but no more daily blogging. His replacement, Corynne Steindler, comes from the sketchy, non-descript environs of Star and Lloyd Grove's desk at the Daily News, though we've no idea what, specifically, any of that means. Not that it matters — as we've found, professional qualifications tend to hinder one's blogging ability.

Eight Hundred More Reasons We Should Have Gone to Law School

Jesse · 12/12/05 09:51AM

The National Law Journal reports today that the new top hourly rate charged by a U.S. lawyer is an even grand. Of course, that's for a 70-year-old firm chairman and former attorney general, a series of credentials we're unlikely to ever have after our name.

Coop is All Around, No Need to Waste Him

Jesse · 12/09/05 05:20PM

As some of you have noticed, Anderson Cooper 360° has, it seems, colonized our website, often occupying every ad space around the perimeter of the page. We couldn't be happier — presumably CNN's paying our bosses nicely for the privilege, and, well, we've long dreamed of being inside Anderson. (Others, meantime, aren't as unequivocally pleased. "What's up with Anderson Cooper all over the fucking place?" Sven wondered in a comment.)

Carpetbagging with Carr: Blogospheric!

Jesse · 12/08/05 11:02AM

It's tough to complain about The Carpetbagger, the Times's just-launched Oscar-season blog by David Carr, mostly because it's a pleasure to read David Carr on just about anything, especially when he's given some extra leash to be un-Timesianly light and clever. But we wouldn't feel like ourselves if we didn't at least try to complain, and so we've come up with this:

The Zagat's of Cocaine

Jessica · 12/07/05 04:40PM

Eventually, a truly problematic cocaine user will snort himself out of a job and be resigned to a life spent sweating and grinding within the confines of his apartment. Eschewing daylight and human contact in favor of waiting for the next delivery, it's only a matter of time before these shut-ins become bloggers, listing their favorite eight-ball distributors like music geeks list their favorite albums:

Remainders: Lohan Makes Speedy Recovery

Jessica · 12/06/05 05:55PM

• Oh, now we understand: Lindsay Lohan missed her appearance on Regis & Kelly because her head got eaten by Kong. Right. Thankfully, that's not so serious as to keep her off of TRL right about now. [Popsugar & OAN]
• Christopher Hitchens predicts the death of the journalist protagonist in modern fiction, suggesting that, god forbid, such characters are replaced with bloggers — a development which could really just be the death of modern fiction altogether. [Guardian]
• Fake David Cross is alive, well, and banned from a bar for being a total boozehound. [Felber Frolics]
• How to do your holiday shopping, with helpful, implicitly violent tips from the Gap. [You Can't Make It Up]
• In a piece on "suspected" firefighting sex fiend Peter Braunstein, Dateline interviews blogger Steve Huff as an "expert" on the case. Hey, if New York's Vanessa Grigoriadis counts, we suppose a blogger can, too. [B&C Beat]
• Now you can pay the very supplies AP staffers have been stealing for years. [AP Essentials]
• It's a tourist's dream: Getting wasted in Manhattan, but not lost. [NY on Tap]
• iPorn for your iPod isn't novel, but A-list Playboy porn ups the ante just a bit. But can you get it in braille? [MDN]

Media Bubble: Whither Wenner

Jesse · 12/06/05 03:45PM

• Does Jann want to sell off Wenner Media? [WWD]
• And does Time Warner no longer want to sell off part of AOL? [NYT]
• Former Regan Media flack Paul Crichton could be considering suing his old boss Judith over her characterization of his departure. Oh, the fun never stops over there. [Radar]
Washington Post Magazine Reader Peter Carlson discovers the charms of erstwhile New York Presser and onetime Spicoli gondolier Matt Taibbi. [WP]
• ABC went with Vargas and Woodruff only after the network couldn't reach a deal with Charlie Gibson. [NYT]
• And apparently there's this cool blog revolutionizing Hollywood coverage. [LA Mag]

Introducing David Carr, Carpetbagger and Blogger

Jesse · 12/06/05 11:38AM

Around the Gawker water cooler a month or two ago — about the time Judy Miller was getting out of jail and barely, grudgingly talking to her Times colleagues about what got her there — we were discussing how David Carr, who we'd previously believed to be a media writer for the Times, an impression we gathered from little things like his weekly column called "Media," now seemed to write about anything he wanted for the paper. Michael Flatley's return? OK. Chris Noth's feelings about his Law & Order return? Sure. Indie rock in Atlanta? Go for it. And so, around that cooler, a nickname was bestowed: Mr. Run Amok, the equally uncontainable yin to Miller's sadly unfortunate yang. We had a brief chuckle, and then we forgot about it.

Media Bubble: More Mag Books, More Blogger Books

Jesse · 12/02/05 12:54PM

• The latest magland roman a clef is by Jane Pratt's former assistant. But this time this boss is the heroine — and her boss is the bad guy. What an interesting twist. [NYP]
• Maureen Dowd says the Times is over the Judy Miller fiasco and now "everything's fantastic." She also says the Iraq insurgency is in its last throes, and that U.S. forces have turned the corner there. [Texas Monthly]
• It's not just Maxim; Housewife Nicollette Sheridan will appear on any magazine that'll have her. [Folio: (second item)]
• Blogger book deals continue apace: Dan Radosh's Rapture Ready! TK in 2008. (Yeah, we know he does a lot more than only blog, but why let facts get in the way of a good generalization?) []