
Kennedy Memoir Pre-Selling Like Gangbusters

Andrew Belonsky · 09/03/09 10:17PM

Senator Ted Kennedy's posthumous memoir, True Compass, doesn't come out until September 14th, but it's already number two on Amazon's comprehensive book list. And, not surprisingly, it's number one in the memoir and political categories. It better be good! [Amazon]

Madoff Overload

cityfile · 09/03/09 07:22AM

When you heard that someone had written a book with intimate details about Bernie Madoff's anatomy, you probably thought to yourself, I better get to the bookstore the first day it comes out or I'll miss my chance! Oh, you didn't? You weren't the only one. Only about 2,000 copies of Sheryl Weinstein's tell-all have sold since it was published a couple of weeks ago. And the three other Madoff-related books haven't fared well either. [AP]

Sheryl Weinstein's Husband Is a Bit Conflicted

cityfile · 09/02/09 08:36AM

The world's most unfortunate husband, Ron Weinstein, has a few thoughts on the book his wife Sheryl decided to write about having an affair with Bernie Madoff. Yes, he says, he tried to talk his wife out of writing it. And yes, detailing Bernie's penile dimensions "was trashy." But "affairs are commonplace," he says, and really "shouldn't be such a big deal," although in this case he concedes it's a bit complicated since the man she happened to have an affair with is also "the biggest crook in the world" and stole all of Weinstein's money.

Killer British Weed Makes Kids Go Loco, Moms Write Books

Hamilton Nolan · 08/31/09 11:12AM

The uproar, that is! And the book. But not the weed, as far as I know, because this Crrrrrrazymaking skunk only exists in Cheech & Chong movies and the imaginations of lightweights. (And in England).

Book Art Imitating Life

Andrew Belonsky · 08/30/09 08:47PM

Glenn Beck really has embraced his fear-mongering moniker. His new book, Arguing with Idiots: How to Stop Small Minds and Big Government, features the Fox News man all gussied up as appears to be some sort of fascist. Whee! [Amazon]

Remembering Teddy

cityfile · 08/26/09 02:02PM

• Ted Kennedy's death late last night sent the media into a predictable scramble. Some newspapers stopped the presses in the wee hours to change out the front page; every news network has been busy mobilizing its troops and planning various TV specials; Time announced plans to publish a commemorative edition; and the publication date of Kennedy's forthcoming memoir has been moved up to September 14 from early October.
• Some people watch Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert's shows because they think it makes them look cool, according to a new research report. [NYT]
• The premiere of True Blood on Sunday night reeled in more than 5.3 million viewers and generated HBO its biggest audience in years. [MCN]
• Because The View is determined to provide a home to the most insufferable women on earth, Kate Gosselin has signed on to guest host the show next month, joining the likes of Meghan McCain and LaToya Jackson. [E!]

You Wrote My Twitter Book, Now Promote It!

Ryan Tate · 08/25/09 01:20PM

You have to admire the online chutzpah of HarperCollins and Nick Douglas. Having sourced the contents of Twitter Wit entirely for free from the microblogging service, the publisher is now attempting to crowdsource its marketing campaign. And so boldly!

A Gift For Bernie

cityfile · 08/25/09 01:15PM

Bernie Madoff's former mistress, Sheryl Weinstein, tells the AP that she plans to mail a copy of her disturbingly graphic new book to Madoff in prison. How thoughtful! "If the prison bubble has so far shielded him from realizing that the whole world is mocking his penis, that will end soon." [NYM/Daily Intel]

The Weinsteins Dodge a Bullet

cityfile · 08/24/09 01:44PM

Harvey and Bob Weinstein are breathing a sigh of relief today. Quentin Tarantino's Inglourious Basterds did better than expected at the box office this weekend, raking in $37.6 million in sales. Not that one good weekend will be enough to lift the studio out of the financial mess it is in. [NYT, THR, WSJ]
• Related: In what may be a first for a movie opening, Inglourious Basterds seems to have benefited by a "crest of tweeting goodwill." [THR]
• Some 48 years after it was first published, Julia Child's Mastering the Art of French Cooking is now No. 1 on the New York Times' best-seller list. [NYT]
• Has the Glenn Beck brouhaha made advertisers skittish about buying commercial time during political shows in general? [AdAge, Politico]
Jared Kushner's New York Observer is launching a new paper called The Commercial Observer. It's about commercial real estate, naturally. [NYT]
• Magazine newsstand sales continue to suffer, not surprisingly. [AdAge]

We Know Which Publisher's Office Has Bedbugs

Hamilton Nolan · 08/21/09 11:35AM

Galleycat says that employees of a certain large publishing house will be locked out of the office until Monday morning while exterminators deal with a bedbug infestation there. An inside tipster tells us which publisher it is: