
Here's Marco Rubio Trying To Talk Smack 

Melissa Cronin · 02/21/16 03:55PM

Marco Rubio has decided to dispel the rumor that he is, in fact, a robot by lightening up a little. First on the docket: talking smack to Ted Cruz’s 76-year-old father.

Bigoted Pennsylvania Teens Organize Day of Flannel-Wearing, Gay-Bashing

Jay Hathaway · 04/20/15 05:25PM

Following a Day of Silence in support of bullied LGBT teens, a group of anti-gay Pittsburgh-area high schoolers decided they were entitled to a special day of their own. In honor of “Anti-Gay Day,” they drew anti-gay slogans on their hands, wore matching flannel outfits, and, allegedly, created a “lynch list” of kids who support the school’s Gay-Straight Alliance.

​Iowa Parents Defend Bullying of Teen With Aspergers Syndrome

Lacey Donohue · 11/20/13 11:03PM

Iowa teen Levi Null, 13, struggles with Asperger's Syndrome and ADHD. He's always been picked on, but recently the bullies began ramping up their behavior: they started making videos of Null at school—some of them videos of his involuntary movements caused by Asperger's—and then posting them online with school computers.

Michael Arrington's Allegations Includes an Assault Investigation

Adrian Chen · 04/05/13 01:14PM

When TechCrunch founder turned venture capitalist Mike Arrington was accused last week of rape and abuse by an ex-girlfriend, many in Silicon Valley were shocked, but not entirely surprised. This is because rumors that Arrington abused women have circulated almost from the time he started his career in the tech industry. Gawker has learned of two previous instances, a decade apart, in which Arrington was accused of violent, abusive behavior towards women. One—in which a coworker and ex-girlfriend accused him of assaulting her in a hotel room—resulted in an internal investigation by his then-employer. In the other incident, he allegedly threw a different girlfriend against a wall. Neither episode ended in any real fallout for Arrington.

The Viral-Video-Microcelebrity-Industrial Complex; or, Making Money Off the Bus Lady Video

Adrian Chen · 07/03/12 09:00AM

On June 19, a YouTube user by the name of "CapitalTrigga" uploaded a video of a gang of middle school students harassing bus monitor Karen Klein. He sent links to local news stations, and school authorities, according to a Reddit thread he posted in soon after. Just a couple days later, thanks to popular posts on Reddit, the video was playing on every major TV network in America. Thousands of dollars in donations poured into an online fundraiser for Karen Klein, the video's beleagured star.

Coal Activist Questioned About Child Porn After Showing Innocuous Bathtime Photo at Hearing

Jessica Benjestorf · 06/04/12 05:42PM

By most accounts, Maria Gunnoe is a pretty swell lady. She's a coal activist who's won prizes for her efforts to stop mountaintop removal coal mining, and just last week she went to Washington, D.C. to talk to the House Committee on Natural Resources. Gunnoe was in our nation's capital to plead her case on behalf of her West Virginia neighbors suffering through coal-related water pollution.

Prankster Mitt Romney Terrified Fellow Student With Haircut 'Hack Job' (UPDATE)

Jessica Benjestorf · 05/10/12 01:33PM

The Washington Post this morning profiled Mitt Romney's younger years at highfalutin Cranbrook School in Detroit. According to his friends at the time—who like all good high school friends are now throwing him under the bus—our favorite prankster was doing exactly what we've come to expect: making painfully uncomfortable jokes at best; exposing potential personality malignancies at worst.

Bloodthirsty Bully Harvey Weinstein Releases Movie About Bullies

John Cook · 03/30/12 04:00PM

Today marks the release of Bully, a "moving and troubling documentary" about the victims of adolescent bullying. It's being distributed by the Weinstein Company, which is co-run by Harvey Weinstein, a monstrous and violent bully who has hurt hundreds of people with his frequent rages and sociopathic lack of concern for the emotional or physical well-being of anyone with less power than himself.

Is Nikki Finke Losing It?

John Cook · 05/03/11 12:23PM

Elusive Hollywood rage-blogger Nikki Finke has a well-earned reputation for skirting the bounds of rationality and surrendering to fits of apoplexy. It's part of her charm! But a couple recent episodes, including a pompous, unhinged email to a flack for the Motion Picture Association of America that she cc'd to half of Hollywood over the weekend, suggest that things may be trending south for her.

Casey's Bully Claims He Was Really the One Bullied

Marisa Gladstone · 03/22/11 11:10AM

Richard Gale, Casey Heynes' bully, speaks out in his own defense, claiming that Casey was really the one bullying him. This seems to be a case of two troubled kids who don't really know what to do with all the new-found attention. Hear Gale's side of the story, along with his parents' reactions, and decide who the real bully is in this fateful tale.

Outer Space Smells Like NASCAR

Hamilton Nolan · 02/08/11 04:40PM

Space smell! Science selling secrets! Copper popularity! Alcoholism genes! Pregnant running! Infant sleeping! Bullies exposed! Dinosaur footprints explained! And fat black widows! It's your Tuesday Science Watch, where we watch science—successfully!

Basketball Bully Uploads His Own Punch Video to the Internet

Matt Cherette · 01/26/11 02:45PM

"I was at a basketball game tossing in the ball (#34) and #3 hit my eye and I punched him." So says Evan, who recently uploaded this video of him punching an opponent during a youth basketball game gone awry.