
Twitter Plans Elaborate Geek Orgy

Ryan Tate · 01/25/10 06:30PM

Amid its quest for profits, Twitter Inc. has a proposition for programmers: Whisper a password, hand over five hundred dollars, and prepare to pound the microblogging startup's servers hard, all night.

Facebook Begins 'Privacy' Con

Ryan Tate · 12/09/09 05:49PM

It would seem our conspiracy theory is coming true: Facebook's big push to give you "more control of your information" is actually an initiative to get you to give up control of your information. Step one: Frame greed as concern.

Selling Your Tweets to the Enemy

Ryan Tate · 10/08/09 11:30AM

Tech bloggers are in a tizzy over the prospect of tech giants Google or Microsoft getting real-time access to the thoughts of Twitterers, but Valleywag has learned that cash-hungry Twitter is already selling access to its "firehose" of data.

How eBay Surrendered Its 'Religion'

Ryan Tate · 09/25/09 07:59PM

Here's an extraordinary video of eBay CEO John Donahoe bragging about how the company has sidelined what was once a core competency: Online auctions. Why solve a hard business problem when you can run away from it?

Twitter's 'Cyber Ghetto'

Ryan Tate · 08/06/09 01:54PM

Without a clear reason for being, Twitter is about to flail its way into a "cyber-ghetto" for the aimless, alongside second-tier social network MySpace. At least that's the argument of a provocative post from Cody Brown, NYU's new-media wunderkind.

Twitter Dreams of Being a Cash Machine, Leaked Docs Reveal

Ryan Tate · 07/15/09 04:56PM

For three years, Twitter made no money. But the microblogging company will supposedly be taking in more than $1 million per month by the end of this year and twenty times that much in 2010. Ah, the miracle of spreadsheets.