Universal Studios Prepares For War
mark · 01/31/05 01:51PM
Moments ago, Universal Studios circulated a memo to all of its local employees to prepare them for the possible appearance of picketers from the Casting Society of America. Batten down the hatches! Casting directors in angrily-worded sandwich boards are coming! Universal quite sensibly discourages any kind of vigilante justice from its employees (who are expected to work and to be on time during the possible crisis); rather than suggest that picketers momentarily blocking cars trying to enter the lot be sprayed with fire hoses or crushed under SUV wheels, impeded workers are urged to ignore the protestors and refrain from ramming their cars through any human speed-bumps. Of course, for every public show of restraint, there are probably matching secret internal directives from boss Stacey Snider urging that anyone carrying a picket sign be doused in napalm and instantly incinerated. The memo follows: