
Heroic Loser Conservative To Become Upstate New York's Norm Coleman

Pareene · 11/16/09 05:44PM

Democrat Bill Owens originally had a 5,000 vote lead over Hoffman. That vote shrank to 3,000. There are 5,800 of absentee votes left to count! And though Hoffman would need to win 75% of those votes, and though presumably many of those votes were cast before Republican Dede Scozzafava withdrew from the race (and endorsed Owens), Hoffman has decided that his concession was premature. Well, Glenn Beck decided that Hoffman's concession was premature. And Hoffman just does whatever Glenn Beck says. Because he is a true conservative.

2010 Preview: GOP to Be Teabagged

Pareene · 11/09/09 03:43PM

It's basically a given that the president's party will lose seats after his first midterm (except when 9/11 happens). So let's not get our hopes up. But Republicans really wanna try to prove that bit of conventional wisdom wrong.

Introducing the David Paterson 2010 Campaign

Pareene · 11/06/09 12:47PM

First of all: two awesome TV ads. Governor Paterson looks so much more professional clean-shaven, right? We miss the mustache though. The first ad is all "I never asked to be governor and also I have too won some political victories" and the second one is mostly "look, you don't actually know anything about this man, so we will tell you that he was very smart and went to Columbia and stuff."

Mike Bloomberg Wins!

Pareene · 11/04/09 10:37AM

Brilliant executive, richest man in town, and beloved mayor-for-life Mike Bloomberg joins Ed Koch, Fiorello LaGuardia, and Robert Wagner (not the actor) in the third-termers massive failure lame duck mayor club!

Your Off-Year Election Guide

Pareene · 11/02/09 03:30PM

The only race tomorrow that will have anything to do with national political trends is a tiny congressional district in upstate New York. But there are other races that everyone will talk about as if they mean something.

Gawker Endorsement: Don't Vote for Bloomberg

Pareene · 11/02/09 12:57PM

Tomorrow is Election Day! You will probably not vote, because there are no contested races for anything important in 90% of the nation. But if you are a New Yorker, we have one message: don't vote for Michael Bloomberg.

New Yorkers: Go Vote

Pareene · 09/15/09 09:31AM

New York City's primary election is today! As in, right now! And for most offices in this town, this is the de facto general election. Polls close at 9pm, so you even have time to hit happy hour beforehand.